Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Maquilla sector in Mexico essays
Maquilla sector in Mexico essays In the twentieth century, exportled industrialization fuelled by foreign investment and technology (ELIFIT) has become an economic and social development strategy for many countries of Third World. In the 1950s and 1960s, a group of Latin American and East Asian countries adopted such a strategy and allowed U.S. and European companies to use their cheap labor with the hope that this would lead to economic development. For East Asian countries, originally Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea, this strategy worked well and made a substantial contribution for countries economic development. For Mexico, on the other hand, ELIFIT strategy did bring an economic growth to the country but it failed to convert this growth into development. Why would such a strategy work well for East Asian countries but not for Mexico? Was there anything the Government couldve done in order to achieve a better level of development? The first phase in the maquila industrys brief history began in 1965 with the Border Industrialization Program (BIP). President Diaz initiated the program the year after his Minister of Industry and Commerce visited Asia, where U.S. and European multinational corporations were rapidly setting up assembly plants. Copying the structure of the new export processing zones in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Philippines, Diaz extended the limited free trade zone to the entire northern border of Mexico. Initially they had to be located within 12.5 miles of the border, but in 1972 the administration of Luis Echeverria eliminated this restriction, prohibiting maquilas only in Mexicos highly industrialized three largest cities: Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey . Maquila is a word of Arabic origin, meaning the portion of grain or oil a miller receives as payment for the milling. In broader economic terms, it would be an activity in which the owner of the raw material hires ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Of Discourse by Francis Bacon
Of Discourse by Francis Bacon In her book Francis Bacon: Discovery and the Art of Discourse (1974), Lisa Jardine argues that Bacons Essays fall squarely under the heading of presentation or method of discourse. They are didactic, in Agricolas sense of presenting knowledge to someone in a form in which it may be believed and assimilated. . . . Basically these essays communicate precepts for the guidance of personal conduct in public affairs, based on Bacons own political experience. In the essay titled Of Discourse, Bacon explains how a person can lead the dance without appearing to dominate a conversation. You may find it worthwhile to compare Bacons aphoristic observations with the lengthier reflections offered by Jonathan Swift in Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation and by Samuel Johnson in Conversation. Of Discourse Some in their discourse desire rather commendation of wit, in being able to hold all arguments, than of judgment, in discerning what is true; as if it were a praise to know what might be said, and not what should be thought. Some have certain common-places and themes, wherein they are good, and want variety; which kind of poverty is for the most part tedious, and, when it is once perceived, ridiculous. The honourablest part of talk is to give the occasion; and again to moderate and pass to somewhat else, for then a man leads the dance. It is good in discourse, and speech of conversation, to vary and intermingle speech of the present occasion with arguments, tales with reasons, asking of questions with telling of opinions, and jest with earnest: for it is a dull thing to tire, and as we say now, to jade any thing too far. As for jest, there be certain things which ought to be privileged from it; namely, religion, matters of state, great persons, any mans present business of importance , any case that deserveth pity; yet there be some that think their wits have been asleep, except they dart out somewhat that is piquant, and to the quick; that is a vein which would be bridled; Parce, puer, stimulis, et fortius utere loris.* And, generally, men ought to find the difference between saltness and bitterness. Certainly, he that hath a satirical vein, as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he had need be afraid of others memory. He that questioneth much, shall learn much, and content much; but especially if he apply his questions to the skill of the persons whom he asketh; for he shall give them occasion to please themselves in speaking, and himself shall continually gather knowledge; but let his questions not be troublesome, for that is fit for a poser; and let him be sure to leave other men their turns to speak: nay, if there be any that would reign and take up all the time, let him find means to take them oft, and to bring others on, as musicians use to do with those that dance too long galliards. If you dissemble sometimes your knowledge of that you are thought to know, you shall be thought, another time, to know that you know not. Speech of a mans self ought to be seldom, and well chosen. I knew one w as want to say in scorn, He must needs be a wise man, he speaks so much of himself: and there is but one case wherein a man may commend himself with good grace, and that is in commending virtue in another, especially if it be such a virtue whereunto himself pretendeth. Speech of touch towards others should be sparingly used; for discourse ought to be as a field, without coming home to any man. I knew two noblemen, of the west part of England, whereof the one was given to scoff, but kept ever royal cheer in his house; the other would ask of those that had been at the others table, Tell truly, was there never a flout or dry blow given? To which the guest would answer, Such and such a thing passed. The lord would say, I thought he would mar a good dinner. Discretion of speech is more than eloquence; and to speak agreeable to him with whom we deal, is more than to speak in good words, or in good order. A good continued speech, without a good speech of interlocution, shows slowness; and a good reply, or second speech, without a good settled speech, showeth shallowness and weakness. As we see in beasts, that those that are weakest in the course, are yet nimblest in the turn: as it is betwixt the greyhound and the hare. To use too many circumstances, ere one come to the matter, is wearisome; to use none at all, is blunt. Â (1625) * Spare the whip, boy, and hold tighter the reins (Ovid, Metamorphoses).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Summarise Anthony Giddens' and Ulrich Beck's conceptions of risk. With Essay
Summarise Anthony Giddens' and Ulrich Beck's conceptions of risk. With reference to the wider academic literature in this M - Essay Example The current modernity is part of the radical break of the transition from industrial to a risk society. Humans must now deal with the global risks introduced by scientific and technological inventions that provide conceptual and technical tools that enable humans identify, quantify, and mitigate risks. The transformations from traditional to modern societies create fundamental societal evolutions that can provide guidelines during risk management. Beck (1992) outlines characteristics and differences between two periods that have caused the risk society. The first period is the industrial society that created a class society corresponding to the primary modernization (Beck, 1992). The second period of the risk society creates a reflexive modernity. The Post-war boom and triumph of capitalism after the cold war created a new form of social organization characterized by individualization. This individualization created successive crises caused by threats to health, economic and medical activities, and scientific environment. These challenges remain at the forefront of public debates and limit expert opinions and regulations (Beck, 1992). The challenges from the scientific environment led to the Chernobyl disaster and catastrophes in Toulouse and New York. These attacks and accidents ushered in the risk society caused by advancement in the field of social advancements created by science and capitalism. According to Beck (1992), the social transformation predominant in the western societies is one of the causes of the risk society. Modernization has led to technological and scientific progress as well as disembodied risks associated with modern technology. Advancement in technology has led to incalculability of consequences associated with the use of these technologies. This was evident during the cold war due to the military inventions of the Soviet Union (Beck, 1992). Western countries felt threatened by the weapons developed by the Soviet Union during the cold wa r. The western governments had to define enemy capabilities by estimating the number of nuclear warheads owned by the Soviet Union. The west had to pinpoint the targets of the soviet missiles and plan retaliatory attacks in case the soviet army launched attacks. These uncertainties and risks were caused by technological advancements of the modern society. Industrialization and scientific innovations had led to the development of long range nuclear warheads that caused tension between the Soviets and the West. Technological inventions pose threats such as cyber crime to the western countries. Information security is a major concern for several institutions. This has led to counter inventions that protect information and curb cyber crime. Huawei, a Chinese company, has developed hardware technologies that prevent cyber crimes to ensure data security for businesses and governments (The Economist, 2012). Globalization has helped the company expand its services from china to other region s in Africa and Asia. The company has since appealed to the British government to purchase its equipment. The government has the responsibility of protecting its citizens from some of the risks and receives blame when disaster strikes. The British signals-intelligence agency is working together with Huawei to test the equipment to protect the citizens against cyber attacks (The Economist,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Managing Information Technology Globally (I need someone with a good Essay
Managing Information Technology Globally (I need someone with a good backgroud about IT and Database for this case analysis) - Essay Example Dell was the first in its competitors to think of online business and though leads best. It offers customer service for configuring dell products and with technical support view Internet same as it was once on telephones which reduces its cost price and increased its revenues. Dell successfully made a network of not only with customers but also with distributors and suppliers through e-commerce. Its sale automated functioning enhances the business strategies and Dell on its e-commerce establishment starts serving with e-business solution. E-business solutions were to offer customer the solution for their business by converting their business in virtual world as did by Dell. Though, Dell earned its revenues, more with the selling hardware devices and giving online customer services, in addition with, providing e-solutions to small organizations, incorporation with other software companies. 2. Characterize the distribution of decision-making responsibility at Zara, when it comes to how Zara's products are designed, allocated, and distributed How does this pattern of decision-making contrast with decision-making in traditional, hierarchical organizations (IT at Zera) Zara is responsible for its products for sale, and though developed a high-tech e-commerce site for its online business.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Over population Essay Example for Free
Over population Essay â€Å"Whether we accept it or not, this will likely be the century that determines what the optimal human population is for our planet. It will come about in one of two ways: Either we decide to manage our own numbers, to avoid a collision of every line on civilization’s graph – or nature will do it for us, in the form of famines, thirst, climate chaos, crashing ecosystems, opportunistic disease and wars over dwindling resources that finally cut us down to size†– Alan Weisman A striking quote, if I may say so myself. It embraces and implies in one whole thought the problem of a majority of the countries all over the world are currently facing, the same problem our country has; overpopulation. First and foremost, what exactly does the term â€Å"overpopulation†mean? What does it refer to? Can it be stereotyped as something bad or is it actually a good thing? Arbitrarily speaking, like all other things, overpopulation has its pros and cons. According to the Merriam-webster dictionary overpopulation is â€Å"the condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life or a population crash†whereas according to Wikipedia, â€Å"overpopulation occurs when a population of species exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. It is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources such as, the water and essential nutrients they need to survive which can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. †Note that the prefix over applied to other word case scenarios indicate more than desirable, this may also be applied to the word overpopulation. According to Casey B. Mulligan’s article, â€Å"The More the Merrier: Population Growth Promotes Innovation†she focuses on the conclusion that population growth should not be controlled in order to combat global warming, and other world problems since other economists ignore the significant economic benefits of large populations thus implicating that overpopulation is not a burden for a country but more or less an advantage. She justifies her point by quoting the director general of UNICEF, â€Å"Family planning could bring more benefits to more people at less cost than any other single technology now available to the human race†which strongly accentuates her belief that the larger the population, the more viable advantages it brings. One of the benefits of reduced population, it is claimed, is reduced carbon emissions and therefore mitigation of climate change. This statement takes technology for granted, yet technology itself depends on population. The more people on earth, the greater the chance that one of them has an idea of how to improve alternative energy or how to mitigate the climate effects of carbon emissions. It takes only one person to have an idea that can benefit many which focuses on appeal for innovation but this may only happen when the people in said community are encouraged to become responsible and productive. Many scientists agree that the human population is quickly reaching the point at which the planet will be unable to sustain it. This growth has placed a huge strain on the planets finite resources and done serious economic damage to nations all over the world, but some people, aside from Casey B. Mulligan, believe that there are a few advantages to having an ever-growing worldwide population. Among the other advantages or benefits of overpopulation is (1) increased labour forces resulting to increase in produced goods and services thus providing an economic boost, (2) more minds or ideas that will generate greater technologies in the future and (3) increased military might. But, are these advantages enough to encourage overpopulation to just continue as it is now? There are a lot of questions and controversies linked to the fast growing issues about the population with both the Catholic Church and our government officials going on about the pros and cons we now face because of ever growing population. Recently, news about the RH Bill created a public uproar but what exactly is the RH Bill all about? The Reproductive Health bill, popularly known as the RH bill, aims to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care with a goal to help people prepare and widen up each and every individual’s mind setting about our society in all its modernized glory. There has been a debate on its proposal that we, as taxpayers, along with various private sectors will fund and undertake widespread distribution of family planning devices such as birth control pills and IUDs which the Catholic Church strongly opposes against usage since it goes against the unwritten law of life. Hence, usage of these controversial pills is considered an immoral crime. Whereas, the Government reasons that the Philippines is in dire need of this bill since overpopulation is unhealthy for a country like ours. Overpopulation manifests growth. Growth may either be good or bad but for a majority of the public, growth in terms of the human population, is bad. People have been brainwashed into believing that all growth, unless it pertains to cancer, is unquestionably a good thing. But let’s really dwell and think about this cautiously. Would we want our population to grow until people standing in a mall end up shoulder to shoulder? Would you want that? I wouldn’t want that! That itself is an indication that we’ve recognized that the population growth must stop at some point, and not just slow down, either. Though most scientists and researchers argue that global warming is the big thing to worry about, they have completely neglected the root cause. At this point in time, it doesn’t even matter if humans are responsible for global warming even if we are so clearly the cause of the events unfolding right now. Too many mouths to feed and less natural resources on hand can have a devastating effect on the economy. Our country faces the problem of overpopulation and we are subject to disadvantages such as (1) more mouths to feed, (2) lowered standard of living, (3) increased problems pertaining to poverty, (4) overcrowded public areas, (5) sickness and spreading of diseases, (6) insufficient natural resources to provide adequate goods and services, (7) inadequate facilities such as housing, medical etc. Problem of starvation and malnourished population, (9) education facilities may not meet the requirements of the entire population, (10) unemployment, (11) higher crime rate due to unequal distribution of wealth and insufficient financial resources, (12) environmental pollution, trees are felled to make space for housing facilities, (13) agricultural production is insufficient to meet the requirements of the entire population, which results in higher prices, (14) money is diverted to ensure that the population is fed, rather than carrying out fundamental research, (15) lower life expectancy, (16) large number of people live in unhygienic conditions, (18) heightened birth rate and so much more. The list goes on! All the world leaders are concerned about how to feed, clothe, and supply water and energy to the growing multitudes but all these efforts will prove futile if world population continues to grow. We live on a finite planet. Growth will simply overwhelm the attempted remedies. The effects have been stated but what exactly are the causes of overpopulation? Some of the causes of overpopulation are as follows: Decline in death rate: the fall in death rates that is also known as decline in mortality rate is one of the fundamental causes of overpopulation. Owing to the advancements in medicine, man has found cures to the previously fatal diseases. This has resulted in an increase in population. Rise in birth rate: thanks to the new discoveries in nutritional science, we have been able to bring in increase in the fertility rates of human beings. Medicines of today can boost the reproductive rate in human beings. There are medicines and treatments which help in terms of conception. Thus, science in one way or another has led to an increase in birth rate. Migration: Immigration is a problem in some parts of the world. If the inhabitants of various countries migrate to a particular part of the world and settle over there, the area is bound to suffer from the ill effects of overpopulation. If the rates of emigration from a certain nation do not match the rates of immigration to that country, overpopulation is therefore present creating an imbalance in the density of the population. Lack of education: illiteracy is another important cause of overpopulation. Those lacking education fail to understand the need to prevent excessive growth of population. They are unable to understand the harmful effects that overpopulation emits. They are unaware of the ways to control population. Lack of family planning is commonly seen in the illiterate areas of the world which constitutes as a major factor leading to overpopulation. So, does our planet benefit from overpopulation or does it cause more harm than it does good? Once again, we are left to contemplate and ponder whether overpopulation can be considered a plausible advantage or a disadvantage. Taking into careful consideration the growth of the population in the Philippines which is expected to reach a hundred million this year putting a strain on the country’s resources, the Commission on Population (Pop-Com) said. â€Å"Definitely in the third or fourth quarter of this year, we will be more than 100 million,†Pop-Com executive director Juan Antonio Perez III told The STAR in a recent interview. In 2014, the National Statistical Coordination Board estimated the country’s population to be around 97. 35 million. Studies show that over a period of time, the increase of population slowly increases but in the span of 30 years, we could probably hit over a billion in number. And if that isn’t alarming, I don’t know what is! Viewing the issue of increasing population optimistically, one may say that overpopulation means the increase in human resources. This may be true but we cannot ignore the fact that the increase in the number of producers implies an increase in the number of consumers. Greater number of people requires a greater number of resources which our nation is not capable of providing at the very moment. The Philippines as slow progressing country must acknowledge that the Earth has finite resources. Our current population increases and economic growth mentality bear all the hallmarks of a country still locked into colonial thinking. Population and personal consumption are two sides of the same coin. The logical conclusion is that we can’t keep consuming these resources indefinitely, either through increasing per capita consumption or the number of us consuming. And yet, how we balance two options remains a subject of contention. This is where consumption and sustainability play a role. The population issue is fraught with moral positions, confusion and unexpected connections. We cannot talk about population growth without also discussing decline; or immigration, without climate and business; or contraception, without faith and medical technology. It is the mother of cross-cutting issues – at the intersection of economics, environment, gender roles, culture, politics and religion. The population question is about the possibility and necessity of balancing the needs of nature and human civilization and this must take place as soon as possible before what we dread happens, depletion and insufficiency of our environmental resources. The worst enemy of life is too much life, the excess of human life. But think again will life kill life or we just need to think how life can help other life even in the edge of overpopulation. You cannot stop overpopulation you need to maintain it or accept it make it an advantage even everybody thinks it is a disadvantage, nobody really know what overpopulation can bring let just help each other to make this overpopulation an advantage.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Romeo and Juliet - Movie vs. Book :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast
Romeo and Juliet - Movie vs. Book Often times people say that William Shakespeare was and still is a legend. They are correct. It is amazing how Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet written centuries ago can be better than Franco Zefferelli's movie production of Romeo and Juliet, which had much better technology to work with only decades ago. Although the movie appeared better, it left out some major parts. The play had better mood and plot details which made it much more dramatic and by far a better presentation. One major difference between the play and the movie occurs in mood. An example of this is the marriage scene. In the marriage scene of the play, Romeo and Juliet act very serious. The reader can tell this by the way the two speak. Romeo says that the Holy Words the Friar speaks can make something without an equal (Act II, Scene 6, Line 4) which is a very intelligent thing to say. Whereas, in the movie they kiss and giggle the entire time. This leads the viewer to believe that Franco Zefferelli wanted the two to look like fools, that they could not do anything the way it is normally done because they are children in search of quick love. This is bad because it is not very realistic. In real-life, young adults would take the matter seriously because they know it is a major step in life. Because the play is not entirely trying to make the two look bad, it is the better production. Another major difference in the mood of the play and the movie is in the funeral scene. The funeral scene of the play is a very serious event. Juliet's family is very upset and think that they are the cause of her "death". Also, the Friar soothes the family of the loss of young Juliet's life (Act IV, Scene 5, Line 65). However, in the movie version of the funeral scene, again everyone is sad but this time the Friar lets out a giggle as he pretends to pray for Juliet. This is a major difference because if someone had seen the Friar giggle, it may have changed the entire play. They may have questioned him why he giggled but since
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Odysseus Essay
Will Rodgers, an American humorist and social commentator, once remarked that â€Å"Being a hero is about the shortest lived profession on earth†(atd. in carnival of wit 222). While this may be literally true, most heroes live on figuratively in the recorded stories of their exploits, and in many cases they model characteristics that can inspire readers to emulate they’re behavior. One obvious example is Homer’s Odysseus the fictional king of Ithaca whose courage, strength, and quest for immortality define him as the prototypical epic hero. His encounters with the Trojan war, the Cyclopes, the land of Aeolia with the bag of winds, a witch that accidentally turned his men to pigs and more. Odysseus manages to maintain the delicate balance between hubris and humbleness all throughout his ten year journey home from the Trojan War. This shows that he has potential in being a hero. Homer established the fact that Odysseus was willing to take help in addition to friendship from Athena when he wrote, â€Å"For I never knew the gods to show such open friendship and Pallas Athene standing by Odysseus. The meaning of courage is a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear, and that’s where Odysseus comes in. Odysseus has been through so much just to get back home to his family. From being in the arms of his loving wife to risking his life at war and the sea adventures with his men. Odysseus is faithful to those whom he loves and is determined to return to his home of Ithaca. As he was on the island with Calypso and she asked him to stay with her, he responded to Calypso by stating, â€Å"Every day I long to travel home and see my day of coming.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mass Incarceration Essay
Michelle Alexander is a civil rights lawyer, advocate, Associate Professor of law at Ohio State and the author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the age of colorblindness. In her presentation she talks about how mass incarceration is happening in America. The overwhelmingly disproportionate incarceration of African Americans constitutes a â€Å"new Jim Crow era†that singles out people of color and relegates them to second class citizenship status. Through extensive documentation Alexander shows that Reagan’s â€Å"War on Drugs†was developed at a time before cocaine hit urban streets, and was used to whip up political support from southern whites who resented the advances made by blacks. She shows how people of color have been unfairly targeted in the drug war with police raids focusing on urban black neighborhoods and not suburban areas or college campuses even though black and white drug use is virtually the same. Blacks were given stiffer penalties t hat often restricted their ability to vote, work and go to school upon release. She shows how racism is institutionalized so well that it can appear to be â€Å"colorblind†to both white conservatives and liberals. I think Michelle Alexander is a good public speaker because she is very educated and well developed. I think her delivery was effective because she have good research with plenty of references. Alexander’s overall message is that â€Å"home of the free†has incarcerates a larger percentage of its population than any other country. And that the increase in our prison population since 1980 can be traced not to rise crime rates but to changes in policies, especially to harsh sentencing, supported by race-based surveillance, in the war on drugs. Once someone is caught in the system, the history of a felony relegates them to underclass status forever. I agree with Michelle Alexander because I care about racial justice and equality. I think the audience liked her presentation because she informed her audience about the current state of our justice system, the experience of police encounters, and how the law serve to disempowered people and make them disappear. She also offers insight to a system that affects and effects each and every person living in America. One thing I th ink was missing from the presentation is she left out parental guidance because as a parent no matter what your financial background is it is important that our youth is taught not to engage in criminal activity or you will be punish for it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
buy custom Hiroshima and Nagasaki essay
buy custom Hiroshima and Nagasaki essay The decision made by the U.S. to drop atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima at the end of the Second World War remains one of the extremely controversial issues in Japanese history (Compton 2002, p. 54). Pellegrino (2010, p. 15) indicates that the bombing of these cities is the only documented event where atomic weapons have been used in any war. It is regrettable to note that this event that was conducted at the order of Harry S. Truman, the then U.S. President, resulted in an enormous loss of lives and property. Grachev (2011, P. 10) notes that on August 1945, the entire world dramatically entered into the atomic age without any prior precedent or warning, as one of the American plane dropped a nuclear bomb on the city of Hiroshima, killing more than 90,000 people on the spot. After three days, another atomic strike was made on Nagasaki, killing more than 37,000 people and injuring thousands of other innocent civilians. It is notable that between these two b ombings, the U.S. was joined by the Soviet Russia in a war against Japan, thus breaking the non-aggression treaty made between the Soviet Russia and Tokyo. By doing this, Japanese forces were extremely weakened, thus contributing to an easy attack on the city of Nagasaki. According to the Hiroshima health department, it is approximated that of all the those people who died during that day of explosion, at least 59 % died from the flame or flash burns, 25% from the falling debris, while the rest from other notable causes resulting from the explosion (Compton, 2002, p. 50). During the subsequent months after the bombing, a large number of innocent civilians died from radiation sicknesses or effects of burns among other causes. As a result of this enormous devastation, Japan was forced to surrender to its allies, a factor which led to the end of the Second World War. Based on the above facts, the United States was not justified in dropping bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima due to the sho rt and long-term health as well as social-economic and political effects, which continues to hinder the development of Japan. It is notable that up until the early 1960s, there was a predominant view that the United States was fully justified to use nuclear bombs against the Japanese (Compton 2002, p. 50). In most parts of the world, people accepted at face value that leaders from the U.S. had established that Japan would not surrender in the foreeeable future, a factor that could have further resulted in deaths of more Japanese civilians and U.S. solders. They claim that the total human cost associated with the bombing was the ultimate price which had to be paid by the Japanese. This was in order to avoid the possibility of more losses of lives had the United States invaded the home island in Japan (Compton 2002, p. 53). As argued by Grachev (2011, P. 10), saving the lives of the Japanese was not the main goal of these two bombs. This was just used as a justification for the wrongs carried out against Japanese nationals and the rest of the world. To understand this concept, it is appropriate to realize the underlying reasons that led the U.S. to attack the two cities of Japan. First, the U.S. wanted to revenge due to the embarrassment they had faced at the Pearl Harbor, where the Japanese forces employed sneak method of attack on the U.S. forces. This was not the first instant when the Japanese forces had launched surprise attacks against the U.S. For instance, between 1904 and 1905, during the famous Russo-Japanese war, the Japanese forces were enormously hailed due to their innovative methods of attack (Compton 2002, p. 55). Based on their experiences, they were able to intelligently attack the American solders on the Pearl Harbor, thus defeating them. Secondly, there were many ongoing debates regarding the extent to which Roosevelt and the U.S. government knew about the attacks as well as the timing of breaking-off diplomatic negotiations by Japan (Grachev 2011, P. 10). Though the attack on the Pearl Harbor was technically impossible, this should not have been a great surprise that the Americas pacific Fleet would be attacked (Compton 2002, p.53). However, the techniques employed by Japan ultimately shocked as well as galvanized the American publics support towards the war. As a result, it meant that the level of public outcry towards the use of atomic bombs in Japanese cities would not invoke large public outcries (Compton 2002, p. 63). The other reason as to why the U.S. dropped atomic bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima was to demonstrate the power of the U.S. to the Soviet Union, who was their emerging rival (Compton 2002, p. 94). During the time of war with Japan, the United States had enormously indicated the range and power of the B-29 bomber. The B-29 bomber was responsible for the Tokyo bombings, which took place on March 10, 1945, killing more than 90,000 civilians (Pellegrino 2010, p. 15). During the Potsdam Conference, the U.S. president categorically indicated that they had adequate information from spies that Japan was not ready to give up in the war, a factor that accelerated the need for the U.S. to show off the real life power of its new weapons. This resulted in Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings on August 6th and 9th respectively. Further, the timing of these bombing was also accelerated by the rapid changing relationship between the USSR and the U.S. For instance, the SU (Soviet Union) had already declared war on Japan, three months prior to Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing. As a result of this, the U.S. viewed the deteriorating situations that were developing in the European region, thus preferred not to face a similar situation in the Asian continent, thus, in Japan (Grachev 2011, P. 10). As argued by Compton (2002, p. 94), the strongest argument against the use of the atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima is the terrible nature exhibited by this kind of weapon. As seen in most memorials in these two cities, many people lost their lives, families, and properties among others things (Compton 2002, p. 77). Atomic bombs are well-known for high levels of radiations, such as x-ray radiations. As recently witnessed after the destruction of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, due to 8.0 earthquake, atomic radiation highly affects human beings and other animal in many aspects, hence, it should be avoided at all cost (Grachev 2011, P. 10). From the above information, it is clear that the bombing of the city of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was fully unjustified. The main aim of bombing the two cities was for the U.S. to show-off its military strength and to revenge for the defeat they encountered on the Pearl Harbor among other notable factors (Compton 2002, p. 58). As a result of this, many Japanese, especially those living in the affected cities, continue to face numerous health problems among other risks. In future, countries should seek for alternative ways of solving conflicts rather than engaging in war. Further, international and regional bodies, suck as the United Nations, should ensure that different countries adhere and respect all the policies and treatise that enhance international peace (Grachev 2011, P. 10). Buy custom Hiroshima and Nagasaki essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Tips for Teachers to Help Disorganized Students
5 Tips for Teachers to Help Disorganized Students A students poor organizational skills can easily be improved by providing a routine and by clearly stating directions and expectations. Disorganized students often forget homework, have messy desks, cannot keep track of their materials and have poor time management skills. Teachers can help these students by providing a structured routine along with strategies to keep them organized. Use the following tips to help your disorganized student manage their responsibilities. 1. Set up a Routine By providing structure in the classroom the disorganized student will have no choice but to stay organized. Establishing a classroom schedule will allow students to be less frustrated and confused, and will provide them with a sense of where they are going and what materials they will need. To lessen their confusion, place a schedule in their folder or tape one to their desk. This way, the student can use it as a reference throughout the day. 2. Use a Checklist A checklist is a great tool for a disorganized student because it shows them the expectations that they need to accomplish for the day in a visual format. For younger students, have the list already prepared for them and go over it with the student each morning. For older students, provide strategies for prioritizing their own checklists. 3. Monitor Homework Encourage parenteral support by writing a letter to parents describing your homework policy. Require that each night after the homework is completed, it is signed by a parent and returned to school the following day. This process will ensure the student stays on task and encourages parents to be involved. 4. Organize Classroom Desks A disorganized student will not take the time to clean out their desk. Each week set aside time in your class schedule so students can complete this task. Brainstorm organizational ideas with the students on specific ways they can keep their desks tidy. Make the list visible in the classroom so each week they can have access to it. Suggest that they label materials for easy access and throw away items they no longer use. 5. Use Memory Aids Memory aids are a helpful way to remember tasks and materials. Have the student use tangible items such as sticky notes, rubber bands, index cards, alarm clocks, and timers to remind them to complete their tasks for the day. Encourage them to use memory aids like this acronym: CATS. (CCarry, AAssignment, TTo, SSchool) Teaching these new strategies will help students complete their tasks efficiently and effectively. These tips give students the tools they need to manage their obligations and to be successful in school. With a little help and ​encouragement, disorganized children can easily get on a new path. Additional Tips to Keep Students Organized Use the buddy system and assign a classmate to assist the student with their organizational skills.Use different color paper for different subjects so it is easier to locate papers.Require papers be put into binders.Have the student put important materials in their take-home folder or backpack as soon as they receive them.Use different color folders for different subjects so the students can locate them easily.Provide containers for small items so they will not be lost.Provide a monthly calendar and label when assignments are due.Have the student show you their completed checklist each day before they go home.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business Synoptic 1f Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Business Synoptic 1f - Essay Example Other major brands include Arrowhead and Perrier, baby foods like Gerber, cereals like Cheerios, ice cream including the famed Haagen-Daaz, microwavable food like Hot Pocket and Stouffers, health lines like PowerBar and Jenny Craig products, pet food like Dog Chow and Friskies, and professional food products (Nestle, 2010). With a few exceptions like Perrier and Haagen-Daaz, Nestle tends to target the lowest common denominator of the market, and most of their products are worldwide household names. They sell a tremendous variety of products, but all of their products have something to do with nutrition or food. They do sometimes attempt to control all sectors of the market. For example, they sell both the low-end Drumstick ice cream bar and the higher end Haagen-Daaz; similarly, Stouffers and Hot Pockets sell to radically different demographics. Nestle realized that their growth rate, while constant over the 20th century and producing many beloved brands, was unsustainable in the lon g term. â€Å"Nestle realized by the early 1990s that it faced significant challenges in maintaining its growth rate. The large Western European and North American markets were mature. In several countries, population growth had stagnated and in some there had been a small decline in food consumption. The retail environment in many Western nations had become increasingly challenging, and the balance of power was shifting away from the large-scale manufacturers of branded foods and beverages and toward nationwide supermarket and discount chains†. Many companies would experiment with different branding options, opening up new markets, new marketing schemes, etc. but would try to keep the core structure of the company intact. Nestle did these things: Its brand portfolio, as we've seen above, goes from luxury to bargain, is targeted at numerous demographics and income levels, and is increasingly expanding to try to get into different markets. Yet that is not all they did, and the ir choice of a new structure helps explain their success. Nestle's strategy for entering new markets and avoiding the inundation of existing ones is simple: â€Å"In general, the company's strategy has been to enter emerging markets early-before competitors and build a substantial position by selling basic food items that appeal to the local population base, such as infant formula, condensed milk, noodles, and tofu. By narrowing its initial market focus to just a handful of strategic brands, Nestle claims it can simplify life, reduce risk, and concentrate its marketing resources and managerial effort on a limited number of key niches. The goal is to build a commanding market position in each of these niches. By pursuing such a strategy, Nestle has taken as much as 85 percent of the market for instant coffee in Mexico, 66 percent of the market for powdered milk in the Philippines, and 70 percent' of the markets for soups in Chile. As income levels rise, the company progressively mov es out from these niches, introducing more upscale items such as mineral water, chocolate, cookies and prepared foodstuffs†. This is a disruptive strategy (Malstrom, 2008a; Malstrom, 2008b). Disruptive strategies involve creating a new market: â€Å"
Friday, November 1, 2019
Grief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Grief - Essay Example This essay seeks to explore the reasons behind grief and whether it can be "treated" like a medical condition through psychological measures. There will also be a discussion of the different sources and forms of grief as psychological phenomena. Central to the understanding of Grief as a mental condition, are the different reactions people have to it , and recent academic opinion tends to avoid the traditional conceptions of grief being a " process" which is predicable in every sense. The new ideas seek to compare and evaluate the different responses of people to different kind of grief which has a lot to do with their family and gender orientation as well as religious and spiritual beliefs. A connected concept is bereavement, which implies a loss in ones life of a loved one or family and has the connected danger of transforming into a mental disease. Over the years there have been a number of physical and psychological therapies and counseling which have been developed to counter this traumatic time for people. Yet many people fare better in physical downfalls rather than emotional pitfalls involving grief and loss.The debate goes on about the whether grief "strikes like lightning" and kills slowly. Many academics like Dr. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross have spoken about how grief has certain stages involving anger and denial. Other psychologists deny the cyclical treatment of grief and look towards common experiences of people with in the themes of numbness ,yearning and despair. 1The stages of Grief It can be said that there is a difference between normal and abnormal grief (Engel 1961) and grief can be defined as "involving suffering and an impairment in the capacity to function which may last for days weeks and even months .We can identify a constant etiologic factor namely .real ,threatened or even fantasised object loss. It fulfils all the criteria of a discrete syndrome with relatively predictable sympatomatology and course. The grieving person is often manifestly distressed and disabled" Another academic notes that, "Whenever one's identity and social order face the possibility of destruction, there is a natural tendency to feel angry, frustrated, helpless, and/or hurt. The volatile reactions of terror, hatred, resentment, and jealousy are often experienced as emotional manifestations of these feelings."2 Medical and psychiatric opinion suggests that grief causes physical and stress related illnesses like bodily pain and asthmatic difficulties. Grief has also been recorded to cause death (Engels 1961) and it is said that it increases the risk of suicide amongst the aggrieved. Some writers have argued that there has to be a line drawn between grief and abnormal grief (Wilkinson 1999).The symptoms of abnormal grief are both physical and mental and include conditions like nightmares, asthma, insomnia, and loss of appetite. (Engels 1961 and Wilkinson 1999).Many people will try and avoid the pain by abusing medications and others report loss of libido and even hallucinations.(Engels 1961). The diagram on the left explains in simple terms the relationship between grief, bereavement and mourning The biggest misconception has been traditionally to assume for the people struck with grief that "time heals all wounds". Much rather if the condition of Grief is not treated and
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