Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Fundamentals of Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Essentials of Managing People - Essay Example Wages, Training, security, assorted variety, work-life balance just as wellbeing and health are a portion of the center representative needs. When these are satisfied, quality yield is ensured. Also, when this sensitive parity is accomplished, workers can encourage solidarity among themselves just as unwaveringness to their representatives. Managers then again will encounter lower worker turnover rates which in the long run lead to diminished benefits (Hall, 2003:46). Work life balance is a basic piece of the riddle on the grounds that each worker has a loved ones outside the business scope. Numerous a worker has relinquished their positions since it doesn't satisfactorily provide food for this specific need. Changed Employee Priorities 10 years or so back, the most elevated need for most workers was building up their professions. Today, the steers of the result have changed. Most representatives are increasingly keen on having both a family and a decent vocation and most would leave an occupation inferable from reasons identified with work life balance (Palundi, 2012:77). It is fundamental for one to seek after accomplishment and happiness in the activity as well as in one’s individual circle. Pleasure for this situation implies pride, festivity, joy, a general feeling of prosperity and fulfillment in the activity that they do. This has thusly driven different organizations in the globe to offer serious bundles that offer adaptable works on concerning work-life rehearses. Paid work and family care are the most basic components of work family balance. In any case, work-life additionally incorporates training, chipping in and diversion. Work-life permits representatives to impart their opportunity to both the activity and their family and still produce quality outcomes. Businesses need to comprehend that work-life balance is essential to the worker. Nonetheless, the worker likewise has a task to carry out in guaranteeing that his needs are met with the go al that his profitability is ideal. It is the employee’s boss duty to guarantee that he salutes himself on function admirably done and continues spurring himself (Hall, 2003:79). What's more, it is dependent upon him to offer himself a reprieve when he merits one. He likewise needs to define limits between his expert and individual lives. The administration and the representatives need to concur on a program that will upgrade a positive parity of the two. In an ongoing report, it was evaluated that in each five representatives, two are not happy with the harmony between their private lives and the expert ones. Long working hours, long drives, expanded weight at work, changing socioeconomics and the decay of limits among work and life are a portion of the contributing components to the disappointment. Bosses who overlook this essential component in their employees’ lives will encounter high turnover rates, despondent workers just as low spirit. All representatives need to understand that their representatives are progressively intrigued by help projects to better their loves comprehensively more that money related pay (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2005:135) It abandons saying there it isn't in any way, shape or form to accomplish an ideal harmony among work and life. Once can't have the option to plan equivalent number of hours to all the numerous parts of work and life (Beauregard, 2009:83). Attempting to do this will baffle the worker since it will wind up being both unreasonable just as unrewarding. Also, it is important that the equalization will continue shifting as time advances, even as meager as on an ordinary premise. For instance, the parity that utilized
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Perception Process and Factors Samples †
Question: Examine about the Perception Process and Factors. Answer: Presentation Discernment is the procedure by which an individual sort out and decipher tactile data. It portrays the way an individual channel, mastermind and decipher data. A proper discernment empowers a person to settle on exact choices. A wrong recognition prompts the event to numerous issues that influence the development of an association. Recognition portrays how an individual decides, sorts out and looks at data contributions to request to build up a significant picture. It relies upon the physical boosts and furthermore on the connection improvements to the encompassing field. Observation fluctuates starting with one individuals then onto the next which impacts their dynamic procedure (Davis, Palladino and Christopherson, 2013). Individual qualities that impact observation incorporates people mentalities, past encounters, thought processes intrigue and desires. There are numerous components that shape or mutilate recognition. The directors of any association ought to decide and decipher circumstances in a proper way. The choices of an individual are enormously impacted by its observation. The wants and need of an individual can impact its discernment. Fundamental setting Components that misshape and limit recognition The observation is portrayed as a procedure by which the individual sorts out and deciphers the tangible seeing to give significance to the earth. It sees the significant various targets which are utilized for deciding the destinations in a reality way. The recognition is portrayed to be significant for the investigation of the conduct of the individuals depend on their discernment and furthermore the fact of the matter is being thought of while undertaking the observation into the examination (Del Missier, Mntyl and Bruin, 2011). The recognition is additionally characterized as the procedure by which the individual arranges, deciphers and chooses the info data to make a significant image of the world. This essentially represents the physical upgrades which are encompassing the response as present in this field. The key point is set up to show the introduction of the key focuses and the information with respect to a similar reality. A portion of the attributes are the quick talking, forceful and the dishonest disposition. The reaction to these attributes may be distinctive just as comparable with relying upon the circumstance that is brought up before the beneficiary. According to the variables are thought of, there are some of the elements that are answerable for mutilating the view of the person which is delineated to dwell the perceiver in the article, and furthermore it focuses on the perceiver (Ehrich, Flanders and Soechting, 2008). Coming up next are the elements which are given in the accompanying focuses: Factors in the perceiver incorporate the mentalities, intentions, interests, desires and the encounters. Factors in the circumstance incorporate the work setting, time and the social settings. Factors in the objective incorporate the size, sounds, oddity, vicinity, movement and the closeness (Troscianko and Smith, 2010). The clarification is encompassing the person when it takes a gander at the objective for the reason for deciphering; it is portrayed to be vigorously affected by the individual attributes as it is being spoken to for this situation. The individual attributes are outlined by representing the impact of recognition on the people mentality and furthermore the individual thought processes or the interests. The desire for being definitive is described by the individual characters and the nearness of the inside appealing and the ugly qualities (Goode, 2017). These emerge because of the social qualities, and furthermore the attributes are distinguished to show the perception of the impact as the impact made to the objective. The voice of the individuals is delineated to outline the amazingly alluring and the ugly attributes of the objectives. It is on the grounds that the detachment and the relationship of the objective are being thought of and furthermore the foundation is portrayed to be i mpacted with thinking about the recognition (Goyal and Gurtoo, 2011). For instance, the ladies individuals of the recognized gatherings are portrayed to be fluctuating with the individual hues and furthermore the apparent qualities are controlled by delineating the irrelevant connections. The harsh voice is additionally never seen by the individual expert wherein the pragmatic inclusion of the highlights and the shading are frequently delineated to be seen. The standard qualities are additionally remembered for the type of the practices, and furthermore the voice can be effectively brought down with delineating the more slow allurements of the individuals. The danger of the substance is additionally remembered for the type of the time which changes with the time and the articles. The time is delineated to impact the consideration, area, warmth, light and furthermore the other situational factors. These qualities are spoken to while the excursions are considered for the distinct indi viduals. A few qualities of the perceiver are portrayed to be influencing the observation as the individual perspectives with respect to the objective. The endeavor of the translation is likewise portrayed to be fluctuating attributes understanding made by a unique individual. The individual qualities are likewise done by showing the individual perceiver and furthermore the main considerations are shown as the mentalities, mind-sets, self-idea, thought processes and the desires with the interests (Harrington, 2013). Along these lines, the influencing of the individual recognitions can be effectively distinguished and furthermore the arrangement of the agreements with the providers is delineated with regards to the association. By this procedure, the particular qualities of the perceiver are being uncovered, and furthermore it gets simpler to know the individual attributes in a proper manner. These attributes can be handily delineated to show the upgrade of the activities as the natural circum stance and furthermore the impact can be effortlessly estimated with portraying the predisposition qualities. The attributes of the objective are portrayed to be seen as the impact which is being seen by delineating the physical appearance. The perceiver is portrayed to show the emphasis on the physical appearance as it is focusing on the type of the physical highlights. The suitable center is being made which likewise fluctuates with the impression of the perceiver and furthermore the goals of the objective can be effectively portrayed (Hayes, 2011). The passing on of the data to the arrangement is delineated to be an endeavor which is being established by outlining the connection of the objective. The inclination of the recognition is being disclosed to see the data with respect to the developments and furthermore the propensity of the gatherings can be handily clarified as the comparable things. Components that are impacting the discernment is remembering the every now and again utilized easy routes for giving judgment to other people, determination observations and the generalizations. These strategies are not delineated to be idiot proof, and furthermore these are portrayed to be off base with the discernments which additionally incorporate the interruption of enormous data. The troublesome attributes can be effectively supporting the view of the data which is remembering the foundation and the enthusiasm for likewise affecting the individual perspectives (Hellriegel and Slocum, 2011). The progressing interests are additionally occupied by these components and furthermore the incorrectness is brought up in the correspondence of data. Accordingly, the appealing attributes are given as the variety of the perspectives and the impacts which are made to show the functions for the relief of the impacts. The impacts must be alleviated by outlining the hearings which are additiona lly included to be a piece of the work which is likewise delineated to show the impression blunders. The assessment of the blunders must be made in a suitable manner to outline the correlations that are raised to portray the difference standards (Kinley, 2015). The commitment of the bends as the reaction is being delineated by representing the commitment of the speculations as the impacts embraced in the person. Conquering the issue People groups attributions and discernments impact how they think and carry on. Suitable recognition permits a person to decipher what they hear and see that encourages them to settle on choices and achieve errands in a moral way. So as to settle on a proper choice, an individual ought to decide and investigate the circumstance, know about the predispositions and improve innovativeness. Every individual has its own inclinations or inclinations that empower them to decipher data. Subsequently, an individual ought to decide its own inclinations and inclinations while deciphering data (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2013). Numerous individuals depend on the data that they get from others. In the event that the individual isn't included intently in the difficult circumstance, at that point they would not have the important information and data to decide. Individuals end up in uncertain and new circumstances in the associations. A successful business proficient can deal with protests by depicting others about the advantages of their position. By perceiving effectively people groups attributions and observations, a compelling pioneer can create avocations for their procedures and approach. Individuals respond to a circumstance based on their opinion of the overall circumstance (Lefton and Brannon, 2008). Attributions and recognition can be wrong which forces noteworthy on the association. Giving sufficient preparing will assist the individuals with examining and respond to a circumstance in a proper way. It assists with making a neighborly workplace
Age Discrimination and Mandatory Retirement free essay sample
Age Discrimination and Mandatory Retirement Joyce Cook The compulsory retirement age discussion ought to be rethought and re-imagined further. People born after WW2 are totally different from their forerunners; they are living longer, keep up ways of life that are increasingly dynamic and are commonly preferable ready to keep working over before. The genuine test is the truth of how the inadequate number of youngsters will fill the opening left by the maturing workforce. Required retirement might be unavoidable, as more seasoned specialists are constrained from the work field to make more opening for new more youthful employees.According to most seniors, it is an uncalled for training and doesn't consider if the individual needs to resign; it likewise doesn't consider the psychological and physical abilities or money related situation of the individual. Not a famous subject by most examinations, regularly it has some impact on numerous old people born after WW2 anticipates how they r esign. We will compose a custom exposition test on Age Discrimination and Mandatory Retirement or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Since it includes under 1 percent of the working populace, retirement just opens a little division of the complete employments and influences a minuscule bit of the population.There is no compelling reason to drive retirement to make opportunities; most laborers resign intentionally, and still do so despite the fact that required retirement is banned in the vast majority of the United States. Pundits for compulsory retirement of pilots at age 60, stress that wellbeing might be undermined, since pilots in their 60’s may think that its harder to fight weariness or bounce back from stream slack than more youthful associates. The Air Line Pilots Association, (ALPA) and the Allied Pilots Association, (APA) has for some time been strong of the â€Å"age 60 rule†.In 1950, there was one older individual to each seven specialists. In the year 2000, the proportion was one out of five and anticipated to increment to one of every three of every 2050. With the approaching retirement of the time of increased birth rates age, businesses face the loss of many experienced specialists and conceivably expertise holes in specific occupations. This could adversy affect profitability and monetary development. Besides, the normal expanded proportion of the older to those of working ages will put included pressure Social Security and Medicare the two of which face long haul budgetary problems.What most managers don't consider is that the workplace can be adjusted to oblige the requirements of the rising populace of children of post war America. Likewise, to oblige the changing capacities of more seasoned specialists, businesses need to re-plan the activity also. Rather than recruiting new more youthful laborers who are not as gifted or prepared in the activity, there is an opportunity it would profit managers to suit more seasoned workers’ needs. Usefulness and not sequential age must turn into the prime standards in all business practices.As children of post war America leave the work power, letting individuals work longer could assist with checking an anticipated talented and experienced work deficiency in numerous o ccupations. Managers need to reconsider human asset intends to mirror the chance of more representatives working past their recently expected retirement date just as change testing and execution assessments to mirror the truth of a maturing workforce. Associations need to create projects to augment the commitments of more seasoned laborers, especially in the regions of grown-up learning and adaptable work courses of action; it might empower more established specialists who wish to proceed working.Labor power interest paces of more seasoned ages has been on the ascent somewhat since 1970 and is anticipated to rise more in the coming years. Couple moderate work power development with a maturing populace and it presents genuine financial and monetary difficulties to America in the 21st century. Approaches that energize those more seasoned laborers who need to keep doing so evacuate work hindrances for this age gathering would facilitate the issue. Maybe expanding the work power with individuals who can work longer might be one piece of the answer for this issue.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Online Social Media Teen Suicide Essay Example
Online Social Media Teen Suicide Essay Impact of online web based life, adding to the ongoing increment in teenager self destruction. Past and momentum research and insights have demonstrated that the pace of youth self destruction, both in Australia and universally, has expanded a critical sum since 2009 and lamentably just keeps on rising (National Institute of Mental Health, 2013). This examination venture is planned at investigating the manners by which web-based social networking is included and how it is has had the option to impact and add to the expanding paces of youth self destruction inside the last two years.The research will concentrate on two significant ideas which will dissect what types of online web-based social networking (and person to person communication) add to youth self destruction, just as, recognizing if there are emotional wellness gives that young start to create or encounter because of online badgering and exploitation. In Australia in the course of recent years, the normal aggregate of passi ngs by self destruction for every year is around 2, 300. Youth self destruction represented 25% of passings recorded in 2011 extending between the ages of 14-24 for the two guys and females (Carr, 2009).As well as this, there is incredible research which shows the expanding pace of youth self destruction, yet the development in self destruction endeavors and ideation. All through late years, the developing consciousness of self destruction and the web have gotten significantly associated and hazardously persuasive. Numerous ongoing investigations are presently finding that types of web based life and interpersonal interaction are playing a huge commitment inside pretty much every teenager’s individual life.A overview found that people in danger of self destruction who went web based seeking after self destruction related purposes, in contrast with online clients who didn't, detailed more prominent side effects showing self-destructive considerations and ideation and were prob ably not going to look for outside assistance or backing (Harris, McLean amp; Sheffield, 2009). The resulting research proposition will depict the point and procedure of this investigation, incorporate a short writing audit and address the moral issues and suggestions that may emerge while directing this research.Aims and Objectives It has been unequivocally perceived that the pace of youth self destruction has enormously and inauspiciously expanded inside generally the previous four years, and web based life appears to assume an amazing job. The point of this examination is to investigate and comprehend the connection between internet based life and youngster self destruction inside late years, while likewise recognizing which types of online life and long range informal communication are as often as possible reoccurring and what is their connection.A Brief Overview of the Relevant Literature in this Field Youth self destruction is the intentional closure of one’s life young er than 24. In Australia, self destruction is underdog to engine auto crashes, and third in the U. S, as the main source of death for people between the ages of 12-24 (National Institute of Mental Health). In the course of recent years, repeating utilization of informal communication destinations and an assortment of online life had significantly expanded in fame inside youth matured 12-20 years of age.Alongside this, an extreme flood of occasions concerning digital tormenting expanded quickly inside Australia and globally. Numerous cases have been recorded including issues of self-hurt, self destruction endeavors and lethal suicides submitted by adolescents from nations running from the U. K, Canada, India, the U. S and Australia (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The National Risk Behavior Survey (2012) led an examination which uncovered that the quantity of endeavored suicides among teenagers had expanded from 6. 3% in 2009 to 7. 9% in 2011.In expansion to these insights, 157,000 teenagers are hospitalized for self-caused hurt and 13% had confessed to making a self destruction plan. Digital tormenting, likewise alluded to as web harassing, is characterized as the purposeful way to hurt, embarrass and cause enthusiastic trouble and this is ordinarily normal inside youth. It has been discovered that three unmistakable, reoccurring long range informal communication destinations have been found when engaged with youth who experience self-destructive conduct and conceivably endeavor self destruction due to encountering digital bullying.These locales incorporate Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter, which are all effectively available, incorporate the alternative of obscurity and can show a great deal of individual data. As of late, a progression of web based tormenting related suicides over the globe have carried attention to the association between web based harassing and self destruction. An investigation led in Britain built up that around half of su icides among youth are identified with web based harassing through web based life systems and 23% of teenagers matured 12-15 had been tormented by means of Facebook or email.There are two key significant examinations that will be broke down inside this writing survey are as per the following; a 2011 clinical report, ‘The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families’ and a recent report, ‘Bullying and Suicide’. This writing audit will assess and analyze the two examinations, and talk about how this data could add to increasing further comprehension of the exploration subject with respect to the issue of online internet based life being a compelling component in ongoing youngster suicide.The clinical report ‘The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families’ composed by O’Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson (2011) was to examine the potential negative issues and dangers of online long range interpersonal communicatio n, prevalently taking a gander at the effects on ‘tweens’ (11-12 years old) and teenagers (13-18 years old). This report delineated to a great extent critical worries of online web based life, for example, digital tormenting, sexting (explicitly express messages and additionally photos by means of content informing), online badgering and issues of security and individual information.The report introduced measurements demonstrating that 25% of young people got to their supported person to person communication destinations and websites in excess of 10 times each day and that 76% of youngsters possessed a cell phone which allowed web get to. The report talked about examinations which investigated basic dangers and risks of interpersonal interaction, which moreover finished up such things like the normality of digital harassing and the significant mental results. These results were wretchedness, tension, serious individual disengagement, and self destruction (Hinduja amp; P atchin, 2010).To accumulate this data, O’Keeffe amp; Clarke Pearson (2011), incorporated various distinctive material, for example, gathered information and insights recorded from recently finished reviews and polls, scholastic diaries and distributing, media articles, etc. The exploration that is broke down and examined in this proposition is both quantitative and subjective as it includes information recorded from overviews and gathered insights. In any case, it likewise investigates subjective components as it isn't composed dependent on held factual and numerical data as it assesses perceptions, survey reactions, social info and nterpreted realities. The was presumed that because of the assembled data and information (both past and current), youngsters that often utilize long range interpersonal communication destinations as well as sites are profoundly defenseless against bear some type of online badgering and relying upon the seriousness, might trigger the mental result s that were recently depicted (gloom, nervousness and so on). ‘Bullying and Suicide’ is an exploration article distributed by Psychiatric Times and composed by Klomek, Sourander and Gould (2011).The article portrays web based harassing as a widespread general medical problem, especially in the Western culture and considering ongoing years, an unmistakable connection between online web-based social networking and high schooler self destruction has unquestionably risen. The article clarifies that discoveries from most examinations that have been investigated encompassing this issue have been cross sectional examinations, and demonstrate that web based tormenting/bothering conduct in youth is significantly connected with discouragement, nervousness, self-destructive ideation and self destruction attempts.Due to the outcomes and insights closed from these examinations, this conduct was found in essential and secondary school understudies however numbers expanded when explic itly seeing understudies in grades 8 to 10. Moreover, it was set up that survivors of web based tormenting show a lot more noteworthy side effects of despondency and have more elevated levels of self-destructive ideation, also prompting expanded likeliness of endeavoring suicide.This article discovered that immature harassing keeps on being perceived as a significant general wellbeing concern, and as of late presently is by all accounts progressively engaged with self destruction and other psychological wellness issues. In current occasions, web based harassing has been seen as executed from numerous points of view and through a few distinctive long range informal communication destinations eg: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Correspondingly, examines demonstrated that young ladies being harassed and bothered by means of the web (messages, sites, social locales and so forth) â€infrequently or often were extraordinarily connected with feeling discouraged and encountering self-destruct ive ideation.On the other hand, considers reasoned that young men encountering regular internet tormenting exploitation were related with feeling discouraged, and both incessant and inconsistent degrees of online exploitation were enduring self-destructive ideation and consideration. When directing this exploration on a point including emotional wellness and self destruction, it is hard to decide the precision of the outcomes from. This is for the explanation that a few people and understudies may as of now experience and at present live with dysfunctional behavior and maybe have encountered self-destructive ideation which at that point expanded because of web based tormenting/harassment.From looking at the two research examines, it is obvious that the simple openness, shifts types of online character and namelessness and access of individual and private data, positively adds to the feelings and conduct of people who are deceived by means of the web. Metho
Short Story Metaphors and Characterizations
Short Story Metaphors and Characterizations It is impossible to write a good short story without a compelling main character or group of characters. The fact that a well-written short story requires refined characterization skills is enough to show why the use of metaphor in the genre is prolific. In such, understanding metaphor as a path to characterization is vitally important for the short story writer and is one of the many factors that make the genre so uniquely complicated to write.In Poetics, the revered Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote: [T]he greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor… [it is] a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an intuitive perception of the similarity in dissimilars. This perception he speaks of isnt always easy to come by, which means that metaphor, when used correctly and in its most potent form, isnt easy. It involves layers of meaning and imagery, and reflects the authors own scope of knowledge. The way it will be read and interpreted is based on the individual readers uni que and varied scope of knowledge, creating thousands of potential possibilities when it comes to interpretation of the work.Beyond the limitless possibilities, metaphor as a literary device allows one or two words to carry the weight of many. With successful use of metaphor, an author can speak volumes through the use of a single word or phrase, and induce the reader to understand the character in a more intimate way or in a more specific way. You can have a character who is pale, but describing a womans bone white skin immediately calls to mind the macabre, and has subtly mixed a mood of mortality and death into the story with the use of that one simple description.Why metaphor worksMetaphor is one of those indispensable literary devises that encourages interpretation based on the readers own experiences and background knowledge. In this way, it serves to create layers of meaning for each individual reader, giving him or her the pleasure of interpretationâ€"an interpretation that might indeed be vastly different than what the author intended. This unique characteristic of metaphor adds depth to literature, particularly short stories, in that it helps the reader intuit a great deal of information within a short period of time. You could write, he felt nervous opening the door and the reader could empathize with him, at most. However, you could write that his hands were two large land masses quaking, and the door was the fault line, and an entire new layer of interpretation opens up. He isnt just nervous, this isnt just some random doorâ€"in fact, opening it could be his very raison dêtre.Consider some of the following literary metaphors written by famous authors, and how such language helped solidify these writers place in literary history:All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.William ShakespeareDying is a wild night and a new road.Emily DickinsonIn the eastern sky there was a yellow patch like a rug laid for the feet of the coming sun…Stephen Crane…when I laid down the paper, I was aware of a flashâ€"rushâ€"flowâ€"I do not know what to call itâ€"no word I can find is satisfactorily descriptiveâ€"in which I seemed to see that bedroom passing through my room, like a picture impossibly painted on a running river.Charles Dickens…impressions poured in upon her of those two men, and to follow her thought was like following a voice which speaks too quickly to be taken down by ones pencil…Virginia WoolfThe many faces of metaphorsA common error many beginning writers make is the assumption that metaphor is limited to certain parts of speech when in fact, you can make use of the metaphor in several ways. For example, you can use a metaphor as:A verb (The smile that invaded her face was evidence enough.)An adjective (His imprisoning stare demanded her attention.)An adverb (He spoke musically, each wor d in crescendo.)A prepositional phrase (She looked at me with the eye of an eagle.)A modifier (At her feet lay the pieces of torn paper, a graveyard of ink soaking in the puddled rain.)The eye of a poetUsing metaphor is the only way to achieve profound characterization. No one knows this better than the poet, who is generally more limited in word count than even the short story writer, and must say as much as possible in a format that is famished for words. For this reason, as an exercise in perfecting ones craft and the use of metaphor, try looking at your short storys rough draft with the eyes of a poet. If you had to reduce an entire short story to a poemâ€"and its main character(s) to poetic figuresâ€"what images would you use in doing so? Which parts of the story would be the focus and what metaphor or imagery would you use to elicit the desired response from your reader?You can take this exercise one step further and actually write that poem. When its finished, convert it back into prose and use the metaphors it introduces as highlights of your short storys climax or dénouement; or, use the imagery randomly throughout your short story to deepen the level of characterization you have already developed.
Short Story Metaphors and Characterizations
Short Story Metaphors and Characterizations It is impossible to write a good short story without a compelling main character or group of characters. The fact that a well-written short story requires refined characterization skills is enough to show why the use of metaphor in the genre is prolific. In such, understanding metaphor as a path to characterization is vitally important for the short story writer and is one of the many factors that make the genre so uniquely complicated to write.In Poetics, the revered Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote: [T]he greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor… [it is] a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an intuitive perception of the similarity in dissimilars. This perception he speaks of isnt always easy to come by, which means that metaphor, when used correctly and in its most potent form, isnt easy. It involves layers of meaning and imagery, and reflects the authors own scope of knowledge. The way it will be read and interpreted is based on the individual readers uni que and varied scope of knowledge, creating thousands of potential possibilities when it comes to interpretation of the work.Beyond the limitless possibilities, metaphor as a literary device allows one or two words to carry the weight of many. With successful use of metaphor, an author can speak volumes through the use of a single word or phrase, and induce the reader to understand the character in a more intimate way or in a more specific way. You can have a character who is pale, but describing a womans bone white skin immediately calls to mind the macabre, and has subtly mixed a mood of mortality and death into the story with the use of that one simple description.Why metaphor worksMetaphor is one of those indispensable literary devises that encourages interpretation based on the readers own experiences and background knowledge. In this way, it serves to create layers of meaning for each individual reader, giving him or her the pleasure of interpretationâ€"an interpretation that might indeed be vastly different than what the author intended. This unique characteristic of metaphor adds depth to literature, particularly short stories, in that it helps the reader intuit a great deal of information within a short period of time. You could write, he felt nervous opening the door and the reader could empathize with him, at most. However, you could write that his hands were two large land masses quaking, and the door was the fault line, and an entire new layer of interpretation opens up. He isnt just nervous, this isnt just some random doorâ€"in fact, opening it could be his very raison dêtre.Consider some of the following literary metaphors written by famous authors, and how such language helped solidify these writers place in literary history:All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.William ShakespeareDying is a wild night and a new road.Emily DickinsonIn the eastern sky there was a yellow patch like a rug laid for the feet of the coming sun…Stephen Crane…when I laid down the paper, I was aware of a flashâ€"rushâ€"flowâ€"I do not know what to call itâ€"no word I can find is satisfactorily descriptiveâ€"in which I seemed to see that bedroom passing through my room, like a picture impossibly painted on a running river.Charles Dickens…impressions poured in upon her of those two men, and to follow her thought was like following a voice which speaks too quickly to be taken down by ones pencil…Virginia WoolfThe many faces of metaphorsA common error many beginning writers make is the assumption that metaphor is limited to certain parts of speech when in fact, you can make use of the metaphor in several ways. For example, you can use a metaphor as:A verb (The smile that invaded her face was evidence enough.)An adjective (His imprisoning stare demanded her attention.)An adverb (He spoke musically, each wor d in crescendo.)A prepositional phrase (She looked at me with the eye of an eagle.)A modifier (At her feet lay the pieces of torn paper, a graveyard of ink soaking in the puddled rain.)The eye of a poetUsing metaphor is the only way to achieve profound characterization. No one knows this better than the poet, who is generally more limited in word count than even the short story writer, and must say as much as possible in a format that is famished for words. For this reason, as an exercise in perfecting ones craft and the use of metaphor, try looking at your short storys rough draft with the eyes of a poet. If you had to reduce an entire short story to a poemâ€"and its main character(s) to poetic figuresâ€"what images would you use in doing so? Which parts of the story would be the focus and what metaphor or imagery would you use to elicit the desired response from your reader?You can take this exercise one step further and actually write that poem. When its finished, convert it back into prose and use the metaphors it introduces as highlights of your short storys climax or dénouement; or, use the imagery randomly throughout your short story to deepen the level of characterization you have already developed.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Can children with autism develop a theory of mind (ToM) - Free Essay Example
Introduction A Theory of Mind (ToM) can be defined as the way in which children aged 3-to-4 years begin to develop a theory about their own and other peoples mental states, which include beliefs, intentions, knowledge and desires (Baron-Cohen, 1995). It is argued that humans have an innate predisposition to make inferences about their own and other peoples behaviour in order to predict and understand behaviour and that these mental processes have evolved because of the generally social and co-operative nature of life (Baron-Cohen, 1995). Mitchell and Lewis (1994) further argue that humans frequently attempt to manipulate the behaviour of others and one way of achieving this to instil a false belief, which can be achieved through the use of deception. The false belief task has become the classic test of determining whether young children have developed a ToM. However, research suggests that children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are unable to develop a ToM as they have difficulty understanding the concept of a false belief. The following essay will explore research that has investigated children with ASD and the question of whether they are able to develop a ToM is supported or refuted. Methodology for Determining a ToM The methodology used to establish whether a ToM has developed during early childhood is known as a false belief task (FBT). To pass a FBT, children are required to give the correct answer about a belief held by another individual and the ability to do this occurs in typically developing children at about the age of 4 years. There have been a number of variations of the FBT which follow a similar format involving young children demonstrating an understanding that another person can have an incorrect belief in comparison to their own belief. Wimmer and Perner (1983) developed the classic FBT, the unexpected transfer task, in which children are asked to infer the beliefs of Maxi regarding his chocolate bar. Maxi (a doll or puppet) puts his chocolate in one cupboard and then goes out of the room. While he is away his mother moves the chocolate bar to a different cupboard and the children are asked which cupboard Maxi will go to for his chocolate when he returns. The results sh owed that older children (92% aged 6- to 7-years) said that Maxi would look in the cupboard where he left his chocolate bar, whereas 58% of children aged 4- to 5-years said he would look in the cupboard that his mother had moved the chocolate bar to (Wimmer and Perner, 1983). Variations on the task include the Sally-Anne task developed by Baron-Cohen, Leslie, and Frith (1985) in which Sally hides her ball and, when she is not looking, Anne moves the ball to a basket. The children are asked where Sally will look for her ball and most children aged 4 understand Sally will have a false belief about where her ball is. Another FBT involves a deceptive box in which children are shown a box covered with pictures of Smarties. When the box is opened there are pencils inside, not Smarties. Children aged 40 months were asked what their friend would think was inside the box, 70% said pencils, whereas 50% of children who were almost 4 years old said Smarties (Perner, Leekham and Wimmer, 1987). T he findings from FBTs are consistent and appear to demonstrate that around the age of 4 years typically developing children go through a conceptual change in being able to articulate and form a representation theory of other peoples mental states (Surian and Leslie, 1999). However, according to Mitchell and Lewis (1994) the wording used in false belief tasks may lead to misunderstandings by typically developing children younger than 4-years. Other factors can also contribute to some children passing a FBT. Earlier ability, for example, language development, has been considered an important factor (Fisch, 2013) and those children with older siblings and children who participate in fantasy play (Wellman, 2014). Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) The American Psychiatric Association, in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition defines ASD as a condition where there are persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction this involves impairment in verbal and non-verbal communication together with repetitive and stereotypical patterns of behaviours and interests (DSM-V, APA, 2013, p.50). ASD is a spectrum disorder and can range from autism with severe impairments to Aspergers Syndrome which means the individual is high functioning and has a typical IQ (Adams, 2013). It is suggested by Senju, Southgate, White, and Frith (2009) that high functioning individuals with Aspergers Syndrome are more likely to develop a conceptual understanding of a ToM in comparison to those with classic autism. However, according to Wellman (2014) most adolescents and adults with ASD perform poorly on FBTs. Wellman (2014) argues that children with ASD have delayed cognitive abilities in areas such as language development and therefore this, together with their social impairments, prevent them from developing a ToM. Using an unexpected transfer FBT with children with ASD older than 4 years Baron-Cohen et al. (1985) found that they were not able to successfully complete the task. As children with ASD have several cognitive impairments it was proposed that the failure to pass the FBT may be related to learning difficulties. However, when the children with ASD were compared with a control group of typically developing children and a group of children with Downs syndrome, learning difficulties were not found to affect the successful performance for the children with Downs (Baron-Cohen et al.1985). Many other studies have found similar results with different groups of children compared to typically developing children that appears to suggest there is a cognitive impairment in children with ASD in developing a ToM (Baron-Cohen, 1995). Surian and Leslie (1999) further suggest t hat the findings from these studies suggest there are specialised neurocognitive mechanisms that support the development of a ToM. Surian and Leslie (1999) used the Sally-Anne FBT and compared children and adolescents with ASD and mental ages of around 4-years, with a group of typically developing 3-year-old children. As predicted by Surian and Leslie, all the children in both groups failed to pass the FBT. However, even with instruction the children with ASD did not improve and remained unable to pass the FBT, although the 3-year old typically developing children showed improvement. The research identifies cognitive limitations in the typically developing children at age 3 which affects their performance, whereas the children with ASD appeared to be caused by a deeper meta-representational impairment (Surian and Leslie, 1999, p.141). The study shows that although both groups of children (those aged under 4 years and those with ASD) typically fail the FBT, the reasons for the fai lure are different. The 3-year old children could pass the FBT with prompts and guidance, however, this was not the case for the children with ASD.[AJ1] It is concluded by Surian and Leslie (1999, p.153) that typically developing 3-year-old children have intact conceptual competence and limited processing capabilities, whereas children with autism have sufficient processing resources but limited conceptual competence. Children with ASD may respond more successfully to a FBT if other mediums such as drawing are used. In a study that compared typically developing children (aged 4-years) with a group of children who had learnt signing language late in childhood and a group of children with ASD (aged 6-to-13 years), a standard FBT and a drawing FBT were used (Peterson, 2002). It was found that the late signing children and the children with ASD had lower scores than the typically developing children in the standard FBT. However, in the drawing FBT the late signing children and the ch ildren with ASD had higher scores than the typically developing children. The findings suggest that children with ASD (as well as the late signing children) have some understanding of the conceptual nature of an FBT but appear to be unable to express it in a standard, verbal way. The study supports the role of language in the development of a ToM as the profoundly deaf children who had not learnt signing until relatively late, had a three-year delay in developing a ToM (Peterson, 2002). It is also suggested by Peterson (2002, p.1457) that drawing may be a better way for children with ASD to communicate as they may have difficulties recognising a link between what people say and what they think because their minds are organised in a more pictorial manner around visual images. Neurological Evidence regarding the ToM Fisch (2013) argues that technological developments in neuroimaging appear to suggest that a neurocognitive explanation is more appropriate than other explanations for the social and cognitive impairment in ASD. This perspective is supported by Wellman (2014) who reports that when neuroimaging techniques are used the medial prefrontal cortex and right temporoparietal junction are the predominant areas activated during ToM tasks such as social reasoning (Wellman, 2014). In a longitudinal study undertaken over a 5-year period by White, Frith, Rellecke, Al Noor and Gilbert (2014) typically developing children were compared with children with ASD. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) atypical activity was found in the children with ASD and that there is a neurophysiological abnormality that persists despite improvements over time, despite individual differences in performance, and is present even in mildly impaired ASD adolescents (White et al. 2014, p.23). Can a ToM be Taught? Evidence from the research undertaken by Surian and Leslie (1999) and discussed previously appears to suggest that despite prompts and guidance, passing an FBT did not improve in children with ASD. Swettenham (1996) attempted to teach a ToM using a computerised version of the Sally-Anne task which may be more appropriate for children with ASD. This is because children with ASD have problems communicating with other people and respond well to computers as there is no social interactions involved and they can work at their own pace. In the study there were three groups; children with ASD (mean age 10-years), typically developing children (mean age 3.5-years) and children with Downs syndrome (mean age 11-years). It was found that all three groups passed the Sally-Anne task after instruction. However, although the typically developing children and the children with Downs syndrome were able to generalise the finding to other similar tasks, this was not the case for the children with ASD . Swettenham (1996) suggests that the children with ASD developed a different type of strategy in order to pass the task but did not have any understanding of the conceptual principles of the FBT. However, Begeer et al. (2011) also investigated the effectiveness of ToM training children with autism using a randomised controlled trial in which children with 40 high functioning ASD children with normal intelligence levels, aged between 8- and 13-years who were compared with a control group of typically developing children. It was found that children with ASD improved in their conceptual ToM skills, but not in their understanding, self-reported empathic skills or parent-reported social behaviour. Conclusion There appears to be considerable evidence in the many studies undertaken in the 1980s and 1990s that suggest that children with ASD are unable to develop a ToM and do not understand that other people can hold a false belief. However, there appear to be some inconsistencies in the research, for example Peterson (2002) found that children with ASD were more successful passing an FBT using drawing rather than verbal responses. Swettenham (1996) [AJ2]however, found that while children with ASD could pass an FBT presented on a computer they were using a different type of strategy and there was little understanding of the conceptual principles of a ToM. Children with ASD, who experience language delay as well as social impairments may have greater difficulty understanding a FBT (Wellman, 2014). However, one problem with early research into ToM is the methodology used which relies heavily on just one indication of whether a child has acquired a ToM, which is the FBT, even though there are several variations of the task. More recent research has used neuroimaging techniques (e.g. White et al. 2014; Wellman, 2014) which appears to suggest damage to the areas involved in ToM activity. References Adams, M.P. (2013). Explaining the theory of mind deficit in autism spectrum disorder. Philosophical Studies, 163(1), 233-249 American Psychiatric Association, (APA, 2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V fifth edition). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. Baron-Cohen, S. (1995). Mindblindness: An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Baron-Cohen, S., Leslie, and Frith, U. (1985). Does the Autistic child have a theory of mind? Cognition, 21, 37-46. Begeer, S., Gevers, C., Clifford, P., Verhoeve, M., Kat, K., Hoddenbach, E. and Boer, F. (2011). Theory of mind training in children with autism: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 41, 997-1006. Fisch, G.S. (2013). Autism and Epistemology IV: Does autism need a theory of mind? American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 161, 2464-2480 Mitchell, P. and Lewis C. (1994). Critical issues in childrens early understan ding of mind. In C. Lewis and P. Mitchell, (Eds), Childrens Early Understanding of Mind: Origins and Developments pp. 1-15, London: Psychology Press. Perner, J., Leekham, S.R. and Wimmer, H. (1987). Three-year-olds difficulty with false belief: The case for a conceptual deficit. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 5, 125-137. Peterson, C.C. (2002). Drawing insight from pictures: the development of concepts of false drawing and false beliefs in children with deafness, normal hearing and autism. Child Development 73(5), 1442-1459. Senju, A., Southgate, V., White, S., and Frith, U. (2009). Mindblind eyes: An absence of spontaneous theory of mind in Aspergers syndrome. Science, 325, 883à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"885. Surian, L. and Leslie, A.M. (1999). Competence and performance in false belief understanding: A comparison of autistic and normal 3-year-old children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 141à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"155. Swettenham, J. (1996). Can childr en with autism be taught to understand false belief using computers? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 37(2), 157-165. Wellman, H.M. (2014). Making Minds: How Theory of Mind Develops. Oxford: Oxford University Press White, S.J., Frith, U., Rellecke, J., Al-Noor, Z. and Gilbert, S.J. (2014). Autistic adolescents show atypical activation of the brains mentalizing system even without a prior history of mentalizing problems. Neuropsychologia, 56, 17-25. Wimmer, H. and Perner, J. (1983). Beliefs about beliefs: Representation and constraining function of wrong beliefs in young childrens understanding of deception. Cognition, 13, 103-128.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How Meta Fiction Influenced Life of Pi - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1048 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Life of Pi Essay Did you like this example? To this day storytelling is the most important tradition humans can have. Family and friends pass down knowledge from generation to generation. Every story contains a lesson that can affect the audience differently in their own way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Meta Fiction Influenced Life of Pi" essay for you Create order Stories can teach us about appreciation of other cultures, languages, and religions. They also can offer insights into values and encourage creativity. Yann Martels novel contains metafiction where versions of Pis survival compete for the readers belief and imagination. As the author is wandering through India on his own adventure, he was in search of a theme. He meets an older man who tells him I have a story that will make you believe in God. Life of Pi is about a religious boy whose faith in God saves him from a tragic experience that becomes a story. Pi claims The world isnt just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no? And in understanding something, we bring something to it, no? Doesnt that make life a story? (Martel 3. 99) Metafiction usually occurs in fictional stories and is when the story examines the elements of fiction itself. Metafiction can be playful or dramatic but always forces the reader to think about the nature of storytelling and how they are made. This literary device draws attention to the work of imagination, rather than reality, allowing the reader to constantly be aware that the novel they are reading is untrue. The Metafictional frame has an estranged effect, you are always reminded: dont forget, this is only a story I am telling. Throughout the novel Life of Pi, Pi tells two different stories of his survival. This is an example of metafiction because Pi presents the stories both as true but asks which one seems more realistic and which one you would rather hear. Pis first story was a fun fictional tale that made the reader believe in strength and willpower of a man trapped in the middle of an ocean with animals. His original story is with a tiger named Richard Parker, a hyena, a zebra, and an orangutan named Orange juice. They all escaped the sinking ship and ended up together in the lifeboat. Throughout the first few days the hyena kills the zebra and the orangutan. Richard Parker then kills the hyena and eventually Pi tames him with a whistle. By the end of the story Pi considers Richard Parker his companion until they reach land in Mexico. Pis adventure ends once he is finally resting in a hospital bed where he is interviewed. The agents tell Pi that his first story is too unbelievable for them to write about and asks Pi for a more believable story, a story that makes sense. Pi claims I know what you want. You want a story that wont surprise you. That will confirm what you already know. That wont make you see higher or further or differen tly. You want a flat story. An immobile story. You want dry, yeastless factuality. (3.99.224) Pi tells them a second story which is more violent and realistic, exposing the darker side of a man and what survival drove him to do. Pi compares the animals from his first story to the people in the second who were actually on the boat. The hyena represents the cook who gave trouble to Pis mother from the beginning because he was opposed to her being a vegetarian. The zebra represents the sailor, and Orange Juice represents Pis mother. Richard Parker stands for Pi himself, and all the lessons Pis father gave him about animals when he was a child. The second story Pi told, the cook killed the sailor and his mother, then Pi killed him. This story is much more gruesome and leads to the question which story would you rather hear? Pi presents the idea that both stories hold truth, and that truth changes perception of what youve previously read. In both he was stranded for 227 days and was dep rived of food and water. He constantly relied on God and his three religions to get him through his survival. Regardless of what story you decide to believe, the same lessons were learned. Since I was a young girl my family has read to me the three little pigs in many versions which is also an example of metafiction. If you are aware you are a character in a book, you can even escape your own story and make a different reality. In David Wiesners Three Little Pigs the big bad wolf comes and the pigs get out of their stories allowing the reader to follow the three pigs on their own. In the true story of Three little pigs its told from the wolfs point of view on why the wolf isnt so big and bad. The wolf speaks directly through the text and claims he was headed to each pigs house for a cup of sugar so he could bake his grannys birthday cake. He claims the huffing and puffing was just coughing and sneezing due to being sick. In the end of the story the wolf speaks from the jail cell claiming he was framed and is innocent. In the other version of The Three Pigs this story is told from the pigs point of view and focuses on the adventures the pigs have with other storybook ch aracters rather then the ultimate goal of overcoming the wolf. Although this version takes out violence like the Life of Pi, they both hold truth. In both stories the pigs built houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks. The ending is the pigs settling in the brick house after they learned their lesson. Yann Martels whole argument (a story that will make you believe in God) is that most readers prefer the version of Pis survival with the animals on the boat. If you choose to believe that story, you are choosing to believe in the impossible by having faith which is God. Asking to choose which story you rather believe in was for the purpose of serving a theological reflection. Whether you are a person who only believes in things that make sense or someone who has an imagination. Either way, there is no correct answer to that question because Life of Pi intentionally leaves it unanswered.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Characteristics Of The Tragedy Of Platos Apology
The relationship of comedy and tragedy are often overlapped in meaning, notably in ancient Greek drama and arts. Comedy often presupposed tragedy and are known to compliment one another in literary work. Plato displayed the proper elements of adversity within the â€Å"Apology†and detailed the unfairness the democratic society of Athens presents by punishing an opposing, equally justified force. Socrates preforms his defence arrogantly and sarcastically in the courtroom of Athens, humouring his own trial where he faced a grave fate. Socrates would not accept a verdict of guilty, therefore would not accept any other punishment than freedom. Platos Apology depicts the dramatically tragic death of philosopher Socrates, historically†¦show more content†¦This emphasized the notion of a tragic greek drama as his sentence to death was a morally questionable in a democratic ‘free’ society . -Socrates had the option to choose, exile, or a fine for punishment he did not feel he was guilty at all, and would not accept any other punishment than freedom. Since exile and a fine were not considered freedom as he would be submitting to unjust laws. - Since the true judges of piety and pious were divine, he was no longer interested in the thoughts of the humans surrounding him and the freedom of the living, but the freedom of death. - Typically, a heroic entity would die in the most sacrificial manner to enhance his honour. Socrates was not interested in honour, but the quest for knowledge and freedom. Similar to Romeo and Juliet, an immortal romantic tragedy, the silent death rebelling against a practical cause can have a larger impact on an individuals message rather than Body Paragraph #3 Platos ability to illuminate specific fundamental conflict between philosophical nature and the historical political community of Athens. Socratic irony reflected on the true conflict between the democratic government and the adaptation to the evolution of science andShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of The Oedipus And Plato 1636 Words  | 7 PagesKAUFMANN’S OEDIPUS AND PLATO’S SOCRATES In Chapter Four of his book, Tragedy and Philosophy, Walter Kaufmann claims that Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex is one of the greatest tragedies ever written in part because it presents so vividly five characteristics of human life which make our existence so tragic. The purpose of this paper will be, first, to present Kaufmann’s view and, second, to apply these same characteristics to Plato’s dialogues in general and to the characters in Plato’s dialogues, particularlyRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Socrates As A Tragic Hero1373 Words  | 6 Pagesdocument known as Plato’s â€Å"Apology†. Upon analyzing the events encountered in the â€Å"Apology†and the trial of Socrates, it seen that Socrates was portrayed as a tragic hero due to the dramatic retelling of the Plato’s â€Å"Apology†. In this essay, it will feature evidence of the dramatic portrayal of Socrates’ death enhancing the tragedy that has lead to his demise. In the terms of a tragic hero, Aristotle developed the concept with the intention of distinguishing the characteristics of a tragic heroRead MoreThe Trial and Death of Socrates Essay1639 Words  | 7 PagesSocrates can be commended for many other desirable characteristics. Some of those can include being the first martyr to die for his philosophical beliefs and having the courage to challenge indoctrinated cultural norms is part of what made Socrates exceptional. His refusal to compromise his intellectual integrity in the face of a death sentence has set an example for the entire world to follow. It is these concepts in combination that contribute to the tragedy in the trail and death of Socrates. Although
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Benefits Of Retirement And Volunteering Essay - 1549 Words
Retirement may pose many questions that need to be answered. Throughout research, a question that I sought out to answer was if retirement and volunteering had a significant connection with each other; and if so, what people are the most willing to become active volunteers? This question formulated in my mind based on an interview that I had with my grandma, Elaine Wagner. She retired in 2007 from being a dietetics supervisor at a nursing home in a rural community for twenty-five years. In this interview, she explained to me that retirement was a big adjustment for her and keeping active through volunteering was what helped her get through it. From that statement, I began to wonder if there had been any scientific studies that showed a clear correlation between retirement and volunteering. Investigation Throughout the search to the answer to this particular question, it was easy to see that there are many personal factors that relate to an individual’s willingness to retire. Conscientiousness and Volunteering I found that there is a connection between how volunteering can affect the retirement process. The Journal of Research in Personality found through their study that many people’s reason for going to work is to feel as if they have accomplished something (Jackson Oltmanns 2014). There is a loss of their sense of achievement-striving tendencies when they retire, however, it may be replaced through volunteer efforts. The Journal refers to retirees that areShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of An Ageing Society Essay1283 Words  | 6 Pageshave to rise significantly from its current rate of 13% to over 18% in the United Kingdom. Fortunately, experts might have found another solution to solve this funding problem. If every worker had his own â€Å"pension fund†where he saves money for retirement himself, the dependence on the working youth could be reduced. 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Hermeneutics and Philosophers Free Essays
The word â€Å"hermeneutics†is derived from the Greek hermeneuo, which means, to interpret, to put into words, expressed in a language. Many times, it is synonymous with exegesis, explanation, and interpretation. In connection with the explanation of Scripture, these two words are equivalent to the eighteenth century, when the word â€Å"hermeneutics†assumes various shades of meaning according to the various schools and philosophical theories. We will write a custom essay sample on Hermeneutics and Philosophers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today we prefer to call â€Å"exegesis†to that of the biblical text analysis intended to discover what the author meant to his contemporaries, and â€Å"hermeneutics†to which the same text tells us today in a different context and in a comprehensible modern man. For Ricoeur, the â€Å"reflective philosophy†is part of â€Å"reflection†on itself, to establish the â€Å"I†of thought as first truth: â€Å"I think, therefore I am†. But Ricoeur thinks that â€Å"reflection is not intuition†of me because the â€Å"I think†is just an abstract truth and empty. The self can only be found in their objectification. Therefore, say that the reflection can only be understood as â€Å"the effort to apprehend the Self of Ego cogito in the mirror of its objects, their works and finally for their actions. †The lives lost and forgotten â€Å"I†himself to his works, which manifests his desire and effort to exist. The debate should not then go straight to the â€Å"I†but to their deeds and actions, which given its ambiguous nature, should be interpreted. Thus, philosophy becomes reflexive â€Å"hermeneutic philosophy†or interpretive. Lonergan and Aquinas were two philosophers that were in a same point. For example, both were students of theology. â€Å"Aquinas believes that humans are directed toward the transcendent God as the ultimate goal of their lives, and this transcendent goal is a beyond the power of human reason to grasp†(p. 47). Lonergan â€Å"understands the relationship between critical reason and faith as central to the practice of theology in the modern world â€Å" (p. 64). St. Thomas Aquinas see that theology does not seek an essence, but a living being who constantly challenges the man, instead of being presented as an object, is the â€Å"Unknown†is revealed in the vision-oriented faith. To address the issue thus appeals to the view that is taken into eternal bliss, in eschatology, which keeps the vital tension between theological discourse and praxis logos. The method according to Lonergan, not a set of rules to be followed strictly, but rather a framework to foster creativity and collaboration, by which all the operations that are necessary for the development of theology are susceptible to be printed, and giving mutually intertwined cumulative and progressive results. How to cite Hermeneutics and Philosophers, Papers
Indigenous Health Care the First Response to the Post of Brown
Question: Explain On Indigenous Health Care? Answer: Introducation Behrendt (2012) mentioned in his post that in 1770, the British claimed Australia under the Terra Mullin. The meaning of it is that Australia is the land, which belongs to no one. However, it needs to mention that in Australia indigenous people lived for approximately 40000 years. The British wanted to expand their empire and reduce the crowd in the prisons. To reduce the overcrowd, the British designed new settlement for the alleviation. The British claimed territory against the colonial powers. By this, they wanted to set up a British base in the worldwide south. However, the invasion consequence was a disease, which the British brought in the country. It was spread among the indigenous people. Due to this reason, the indigenous people brutally killed the British people, whereas the colonist offered the indigenous people foods with poison. This affected the indigenous a lot. As a result, sexual abuse and female exploitation occurred, which is the main reason of the sexual diseases. The sexual diseases transmitted to the aboriginal people. Moreover, disease like measles, influenza and small pox occurred in a wide range among the aboriginal people. Half of the indigenous people were killed by the influenza (Attwood Markus, 2007). The children were forcefully detached from their parents in between 1910-1970. The other name of this detachment is Stolen Generation. Kevin Rudd sent an apology letter to the aboriginal people on 13 February 2008. The detachment also affected the indigenous people. They were emotionally broke down. However, the indigenous people fought against the British people to get freedom and most of the indigenous people lost their lives in the Warfield. The epidemic diseases made the indigenous people weak. Harris (2013) mentioned that in 19th century, the main reason of the death of the aboriginal people was small pox. First fleet listed the inventory of goods. However, there is a confusion that if the disease small pox was brought in Austral ia intentionally or by co incidence. Second response to the post of Takacs It will help to demonstrate the understanding of the indigenous culture and their history. For the aboriginal people, the colonization provides severe pressure to be conventional to the Western policies. This may often result the loss of identity. The human dignity of the aboriginal people needs to be restored for Australia. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Commissioner Former reinforced the requirements to save the human dignity. Colonization of Australia has a strong impact on indigenous people, who were the residential of that land over 60000 years. They became the subject of the colonial and racist policies. The settlers enforced them to be the subject. To restore and maintain the dignity it is necessary to restore the aboriginal culture. Calma (2006) mentioned that before the colonization, aboriginal people emerged in the community life by all aspects. They played community-based role and set up themselves in the cultural norms. With the raising colonization, the roles of aboriginal people decreases. The aboriginal people faced various issues regarding political, social and cultural that needs to be diminished. Their dignity became abolished with time. Governor Arthur Philip did not show any respect to the ancient culture of Australia that is not a good practice. The aboriginal people were excluded from the society and they became powerless. Australian aboriginal culture is the most ancient culture of world. However, the aboriginal culture is one of the oldest cultures that need to be protected. Moreton-Robinson (2015) mentioned that Australia is trying to reserve the dignity of aboriginal people, which takes much time. The requirement of restoration of the aboriginal culture needs assurance to maintain the dignity. Australia should provide more effort to restore their ancient culture for the development of the country (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012). The government should provide self-determination to the aboriginal people so that they ca n get the territorial right of the political and legal organization. Response to the post of Hinton Behrendt (2012) mentioned that on 27 May 1967, the government conducted a referendum for determining the opinion of public on the aspects of constitution. It is seen that 90% of the Australian public vote for the changes in laws. Therefore, the government took the initiative to review and correct the constitution. After the referendum 1967, the condition of the Aboriginal people stated to develop as the law gave power to the indigenous people. They got the power to give opinion. Before the referendum, the condition of the aboriginal people was not stable and they did not have any power to give opinion. The amended laws helped the aboriginal people much. Moreover, the law provides power to the aboriginal people to participate in the national censuses. This allowed the commonwealth to make laws, which respected the indigenous people of Australia. Attwood and Markus (2007) stated that after that the government passed various laws in favor of the aboriginal people in Northern territory. The laws include Land Rights Act Healthcare. This referendum played a major role in the history of Australia. The referendum is the turning point for the aboriginal people of Australia. It is the symbol of rights, equality and justice towards the indigenous people. The referendum provided an opportunity to the aboriginal people to start over. Before the 1967 Referendum, Torres Strait islander and aboriginal people did not have any rights like other people of Australia. State controlled their lives and living style. They did not have the right to live according to their choice as well as they did not have rights on their own properties. State did biasness with them. For example, in a same job role the aboriginal people got less salary than others. Moreover, they did not have rights on their own children that are they were not allowed to get the local guardians for their children. It is unauthentic to detach a child from their parents. After the referendum, the aboriginal people got t he right to take the responsibility of the children (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012). Therefore, the referendum played a major role in the development of the aboriginal people. References Attwood, B. Markus, A. (2007). The 1967 Referendum. Race, Power and the Australian Constitution.2nd ed. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2012),The 1967 Aborigines Referendum, Behrendt, L. (2012).Indigenous Australia for dummies. John Wiley Sons. Calma, T. (2006). From rhetoric to reconciliation-addressing the challenge of equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in criminal justice processes. Flinders Journal of law Reform, 9, 113. Harris, K. R. (2013).Welcome Table: A Mass of Spirituals. Conception, Composition, Dissemination, Reflection. Union Theological Seminary. Moreton-Robinson, A. (2015). White Possessive. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Retrieved from
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Speech the Graduates Didn’t Hear free essay sample
Neusner has presented support for his thesis with both logical and emotional elements, and the emotional elements help to persuade. Some of the author’s stronger arguments include, even thought students come to class late, are lazy, and are rude, the faculty stay calm and helps students to solve problems. For example, if students came late the faculty pretends like they do not care. Despite instructors failing to teach the students, the students are happy because, for them school is easy. Some students may argue or act rude toward the faculty, but the real world, after they are graduates, is not same as college. That will make students failures in the real world, because students will act with coworkers and bosses same ways they acted with faculty or professors. In colleges, students drop classes without failure, but outside of college failure will become marked on their record. After graduating with good grades maybe benefit in the future, but in the real world, good grades do not protect students from doing wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on The Speech the Graduates Didn’t Hear or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page College has spoiled students and has not prepared students for the real world that is why on graduation day is not the day that faculty should be proud. In contrast, the author has been less effective using proof/logic in other examples. For instance, it is not always true that he said students’ failure leaves with no record, and if a student forgets their appointment, the faculty will change their schedule. The author might be correct that sometimes college spoils students and makes students too comfortable, as it is logical to see examples of that in other parts of life. Brown University is trying to make being a student easy, for reasons of professors want students to be happy, and like the faculty. And it is true this will make students fail in the real world, but it still happens in many colleges. The faculty knows it was not right, but they still did, because being a strict professor will make students chose to learn with another professor that is easier. And when students have easy professors, it is hard to improve and it will make college a retreat. And this is why the faculty does not feel pride on commencement day. In my opinion, I think students will like easy professors and they will feel unappreciated with easy professor when they are in the real world that acts different from college. After I finished reading the article, I felt like the author was upset with the faculty system and is clearly emotional about this subject. This speech may affect students, but in my opinion this article should affect the professors more. This situation will not happen if college systems are stricter. It is true that students like easy professors, but if they have no choice because every professors are strict, they will prepare themselves more before coming to the class. This article feels like the author thinks this problem cannot be solved and that is why he is sarcastic with this tone. One thing students want is a good grade, because that shows they are responsible and that will make them be the first choice for employment. I have an example that is related to this article. My classmate is an A student all the time, and one day the strict professor said grades were not important. The important thing is that we can bring the knowledge to adapt in the work situation. After the class, my classmate told me it was not true, because if she does not have good grades it is hard to find a job. After the end of semester, she told me she got A- from that class, and she does not like this professor. Another class she got A, and she told me the professor was easy, however the teacher did not teach well, which made her have to study by herself. From my classmate example, I realized that being a good professor by being strict can make the students think the professor is bad, but being a lazy professor that gives good grades makes the students think the professor is good. The author makes a passionate argument by logically suggesting if colleges want to solve this problem, the leaders need to write the rules that make every professor go in the same direction. Unfortunately, Neusner offers no real solution plan for accomplishing this. For instance, no professor wants to be the problem; if all professors do the same thing, no one makes a difference. But, this is problem applies equally to being â€Å"too easy†and being â€Å"too strict†. That will help their faculty or college get stronger. Schools need to teach students to be respectful to professors and their institutions, if this succeeds, students will be successful in college and in the real world. In conclusion, I believe the author makes a good argument when supporting his thesis. Then students will fail in the real world, because colleges do not prepare them to handle with real live.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Sample Interview Essay For Students
Sample Interview Essay For StudentsA sample interview essay for students should be adequate, especially in terms of explaining the basics of science. This is a great option if you have children who are interested in science and also want to give them an advantage by exposing them to the profession.There are many online science schools that offer their students the opportunity to gain experience in the field. One of the most popular methods of learning how to apply scientific knowledge is by completing the courses through an interview. This article explains what to include in a sample interview essay for students.The most important aspect to remember when creating this essay is that it should be focused on the student's personality and background. The ability to ask good questions will be needed in order to make sure that the essay will be effective. Remember that you have a limited amount of time in order to cover all the bases. Therefore, be sure to ask the right questions and then quickly move on to the next topic.In order to give the best introduction, an essential question that you should consider is why the student would want to pursue a career in science. The first part of the essay should give the student some information about why they want to pursue this. They should also be able to tell you what they would like to do with this. After giving some ideas, it is then time to give the reasons behind why science is the perfect career choice. Then add some concrete examples that show that the student has the knowledge needed to get into this profession.The second part of the essay should describe the particular area where the student will be working. You can give examples of the research that will be done in this area. The essay should also include specific areas that require more training or hands-on experience.The third section of the essay is where you should include questions and how to determine the student's interest. This will help to make sure that y ou are asking the right questions. The sample should also explain why you feel that this student will make a good candidate for the job. This will help you to understand the main reasons behind the student's career decision.Having a great piece of writing will show that you put some thought into making a product and that you used that writing knowledge to do so. Also, you will have the opportunity to discuss why you think a student can benefit from a career in science. So get started today and create the best sample interview essay for students that will answer all of the questions.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
The Boxes in My Head free essay sample
My house has been taken over by boxes. I’ve held it off for as long as possible, but now its time; I step into my room, knowing after today it will never be mine again. My old wood desk cluttered with a myriad of books, mugs, craypas, and countless sticky notes of reminders and to-do lists, most of which are yet to be accomplished. The blue dragon patterned headband I wore when I went to the Head of The Charles with my Crew team laying on the ground next to my cleats, nicely fragranced from my lacrosse practice. My closet, which looks like a monster regurgitating clothes, half of which are those forgotten by friends and never returned on my part, takes up an entire wall. To the right, my queen-sized bed, next to a wall of windows, and in-front of a wall once decorated with pictures, posters, paintings, and sports certificates. We will write a custom essay sample on The Boxes in My Head or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though its far from clean, big, or coordinated together in anyway, my room is uniquely me- expressive. I sigh and decide to start with my shelf.The first thing i grab, the clay Zebra mask made by my very nonartistic friend, reminding me of the safari themed surprise party the two of us had planned for our Russian friend; memories of loud music, KFC, and failure cookies flood my mind as i reach my hand out for the next object. The miniature Hula-Girl given to me by my best friend who had moved to France last summer, her wiggling hips trigger memories of boring school dances made fun by our crazy antics. At her feet lies a piece of pale-pink, peach, and white corral I picked up from the beach in Costa Rica; I laugh, thinking of that vacation and remembering my enthusiastic offer to pee on my little sister when she had been sting by a jellyfish. My mother had given be a stern look and told me to stop, this wasnt a joking matter; really- its common knowledge that to urinate on a jellyfish sting is the immediate remedy, at least according to the random facts in the all-knowing day planner s systematically dealed out by the school (at least theyre good for something!). Behind her lies my childhood rock collection, a pastime i enjoyed with a nature-loving friend who had initially taught me English; ironically, she had had a speech impediment, resultantly, my English wasinteresting. A blue, olive-wooden cat figurine from my trip to Greece lazily looks up at me, between its paws i had placed fragments of Murano glass from Venice. Choosing which cat i wanted had been an arduous to almost ridiculous, my eleven-year old self had eventually settled on the one which looked most like my own cat back home; putting as much sentiment behind the choice as possible. The swirls in my Venetian mask picked by the little girl who was me during my girly phase each hold the memories of my annual summer trip taken with my grandparents to the City of Glass; the heat and joy reflecting in its polished surface. A dried-White Rose corsage droops over a metal Z book holder, a birthday present, with a Squash ball squished into one of the crevices. With 12 my friend had decided she would take us all to go play Squash; the part forever remembered- during dinner her and i had ordered Green-Apple soda which we took upon ourselves, smart as we were, to stick the straws up our nostrils and inhalemy sister derived great amusement from our howling thereafter. I reach out and gently take the glass heart off of the picture frame, i look at it, and in its reflection i see myself. Christ i sound like Mulan- might as well start singing now, the thought bitterly runs through my mind as i glance back at the heart, and it shows me exactly what i am; i am the Hula-Girl who dances on the Russian-Safari Zebra next to the yawning cat who plays with the glass from Venice just like the mask infront of the Z and the green-apple soda Squash ball rolling around the corral near the language rocks of a distant childhood. It showed me the little Austrian girl who had grown from a nature-tomboy rock-hunter to the animal-loving girly-girl; and i was amazed reflecting back on the confidence i had acquired through my life, and the memories of people who had made me who i am today. I realized everyone who I will ever meet will be placed inside my head, in a box; and each and every person, every memory they give me, will become a part of me. I look around, all things carefully stored, placed, and crammed- all into boxes. I smile; I know that my memories are stored just the same, crammed into corners of my mind, yet the best part is that because its me, and neatness does not exist within, they tumble out in a myriad of colors and shapes, blurring into one giant mess i call myself.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
ralph Ellison essays
ralph Ellison essays American literature has long been noted for its outspokenness of controversial issues faced by its people. American authors are challenged with the task of bringing to the fore the face of these issues. The author, Ralph Waldo Ellison was born on March 1, 1914 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. His prolific works include the highly acclaimed Invisble Man(battle Royal?), Shadow and Act, and numerous short stories. His illustrious honors range from the National Book Award, which he garnered in 1953, to the Medal of Freedom, received in 1969. Ellison has served as an inspiration to African American and fellow writers. His writings offered first hand experience into the eyes and minds of young Negroes in the cruel world. His use of surrealism astounded readers and brought the understanding of the Negro into the forefront of American culture. Ellison's life was not filled with struggle as (the Invisible Man) is. Nevertheless, in everyday life, racism is perceived as a negative aspect of society. I still remember from the movie, that he was slashed on his right eye, but the actual reason for it was probably racism from other whites that aboard the train. Towards, the end of the movie, hes scar was still oblivious at his old age. I can obviously see hatred, evil, and ignorance. It has been a part of world culture since recorded history and, no doubt, before that. When one thinks of racism in the United States, invariably, though not only, the struggle of the African American is singled out. In the early twentieth century, African Americans were forced to endure many prejudices and cruel discrimination although they had been declared free half a century earlier. Although not without prejudice, Ellison's life differed greatly from most African Americans of his time period. Ellison was brilliant - an accomplished trumpeter, photographer, furniture maker, and electrician. These traits help to represent the time period that Ellison lived...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
How and why is the provision of foreign aid perfceived of as an Essay
How and why is the provision of foreign aid perfceived of as an essential part of OECD states' foreign policies - Essay Example This paper examines the question of how and why foreign aid is perceived as an essential part of OECD states' foreign policy. In doing this, the paper will examine the position of international aid in the global society. This will be done by investigating the background of foreign aid and cross-border donor activities. The research will identify the challenges in providing development in poor nations and the issues with using force. From these analyses, the paper will move on to look at new trends in aid amongst OECD nations and their motivations for this. Genuine Disparities and White Man's Burden â€Å"White Man's Burden†is a poem by an English poet, Rudyard Kipling. It was published in an American newspaper in 1899 and referred to the imperial aspirations by the United States towards the Philippines Islands (Margolis, 2009). The poem described the burden of the White race to assist and help the poor and less developed nations in the world around that time to build the prop er infrastructure and live a live that was of the best merit for the citizens. At the time White Man's Burden was written, most nations around the world were highly backward. Some of them maintained social and cultural systems that barely allowed them to overcome nature and survive. Europe and other Eurocentric nations ruled by persons of European origins like the United States, Canada, Australia and the Cape Colony of South Africa were absolutely advanced. These nations had the rightful political structures that were steeped in the rule of law, democracy and the separation of power. The nations had formal educational structures that complemented the concept of work. Through this, people were equipped with skills in structured educational systems and were presented into the labour force to work and earn remuneration in a formal manner. However, most nations, particularly those in the southern hemisphere had structures that had faced serious setbacks. On a basic analysis, two importa nt reasons can be used to explain this. First of all, most of these communities in Africa, Asia and South America was highly isolated from the rest of the world. And due to that, they could not share ideas with other nations. Secondly, these nations included persons with major diversity differences that made it impossible for such nations to unite on the basis of a common language, common institutions in order to create the rightful environment for democracy and nation-building. On the contrary, Europe had a few languages that formed the basis for the cohesion of huge nations. Also, the role of the Church as a unifying institution created the right framework for Europe to build modern nations (Viault, 1990). So at the turn of the 20th Century, Europe and persons of European origin were way ahead of other nations around the world. The poem, White Man's Burden signified the need for Europeans to spread the institutional structures and systems to developing countries and in the case of the 1899 publication, it was meant to show Americans the need to take up a colonial obligation in the Philippines. The poem showed that imperialism was not only about exploiting poorer nations but also, sharing development and promoting better livelihoods in less developed nations in Africa, Asia and South America (Margolis, 2009). Today, the White Man's Burden continues to subsists. Although most nations in the developed world are overwhelmingly multicultural, there is the need for
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