Sunday, May 24, 2020
How Meta Fiction Influenced Life of Pi - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1048 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Life of Pi Essay Did you like this example? To this day storytelling is the most important tradition humans can have. Family and friends pass down knowledge from generation to generation. Every story contains a lesson that can affect the audience differently in their own way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How Meta Fiction Influenced Life of Pi" essay for you Create order Stories can teach us about appreciation of other cultures, languages, and religions. They also can offer insights into values and encourage creativity. Yann Martels novel contains metafiction where versions of Pis survival compete for the readers belief and imagination. As the author is wandering through India on his own adventure, he was in search of a theme. He meets an older man who tells him I have a story that will make you believe in God. Life of Pi is about a religious boy whose faith in God saves him from a tragic experience that becomes a story. Pi claims The world isnt just the way it is. It is how we understand it, no? And in understanding something, we bring something to it, no? Doesnt that make life a story? (Martel 3. 99) Metafiction usually occurs in fictional stories and is when the story examines the elements of fiction itself. Metafiction can be playful or dramatic but always forces the reader to think about the nature of storytelling and how they are made. This literary device draws attention to the work of imagination, rather than reality, allowing the reader to constantly be aware that the novel they are reading is untrue. The Metafictional frame has an estranged effect, you are always reminded: dont forget, this is only a story I am telling. Throughout the novel Life of Pi, Pi tells two different stories of his survival. This is an example of metafiction because Pi presents the stories both as true but asks which one seems more realistic and which one you would rather hear. Pis first story was a fun fictional tale that made the reader believe in strength and willpower of a man trapped in the middle of an ocean with animals. His original story is with a tiger named Richard Parker, a hyena, a zebra, and an orangutan named Orange juice. They all escaped the sinking ship and ended up together in the lifeboat. Throughout the first few days the hyena kills the zebra and the orangutan. Richard Parker then kills the hyena and eventually Pi tames him with a whistle. By the end of the story Pi considers Richard Parker his companion until they reach land in Mexico. Pis adventure ends once he is finally resting in a hospital bed where he is interviewed. The agents tell Pi that his first story is too unbelievable for them to write about and asks Pi for a more believable story, a story that makes sense. Pi claims I know what you want. You want a story that wont surprise you. That will confirm what you already know. That wont make you see higher or further or differen tly. You want a flat story. An immobile story. You want dry, yeastless factuality. (3.99.224) Pi tells them a second story which is more violent and realistic, exposing the darker side of a man and what survival drove him to do. Pi compares the animals from his first story to the people in the second who were actually on the boat. The hyena represents the cook who gave trouble to Pis mother from the beginning because he was opposed to her being a vegetarian. The zebra represents the sailor, and Orange Juice represents Pis mother. Richard Parker stands for Pi himself, and all the lessons Pis father gave him about animals when he was a child. The second story Pi told, the cook killed the sailor and his mother, then Pi killed him. This story is much more gruesome and leads to the question which story would you rather hear? Pi presents the idea that both stories hold truth, and that truth changes perception of what youve previously read. In both he was stranded for 227 days and was dep rived of food and water. He constantly relied on God and his three religions to get him through his survival. Regardless of what story you decide to believe, the same lessons were learned. Since I was a young girl my family has read to me the three little pigs in many versions which is also an example of metafiction. If you are aware you are a character in a book, you can even escape your own story and make a different reality. In David Wiesners Three Little Pigs the big bad wolf comes and the pigs get out of their stories allowing the reader to follow the three pigs on their own. In the true story of Three little pigs its told from the wolfs point of view on why the wolf isnt so big and bad. The wolf speaks directly through the text and claims he was headed to each pigs house for a cup of sugar so he could bake his grannys birthday cake. He claims the huffing and puffing was just coughing and sneezing due to being sick. In the end of the story the wolf speaks from the jail cell claiming he was framed and is innocent. In the other version of The Three Pigs this story is told from the pigs point of view and focuses on the adventures the pigs have with other storybook ch aracters rather then the ultimate goal of overcoming the wolf. Although this version takes out violence like the Life of Pi, they both hold truth. In both stories the pigs built houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks. The ending is the pigs settling in the brick house after they learned their lesson. Yann Martels whole argument (a story that will make you believe in God) is that most readers prefer the version of Pis survival with the animals on the boat. If you choose to believe that story, you are choosing to believe in the impossible by having faith which is God. Asking to choose which story you rather believe in was for the purpose of serving a theological reflection. Whether you are a person who only believes in things that make sense or someone who has an imagination. Either way, there is no correct answer to that question because Life of Pi intentionally leaves it unanswered.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Characteristics Of The Tragedy Of Platos Apology
The relationship of comedy and tragedy are often overlapped in meaning, notably in ancient Greek drama and arts. Comedy often presupposed tragedy and are known to compliment one another in literary work. Plato displayed the proper elements of adversity within the â€Å"Apology†and detailed the unfairness the democratic society of Athens presents by punishing an opposing, equally justified force. Socrates preforms his defence arrogantly and sarcastically in the courtroom of Athens, humouring his own trial where he faced a grave fate. Socrates would not accept a verdict of guilty, therefore would not accept any other punishment than freedom. Platos Apology depicts the dramatically tragic death of philosopher Socrates, historically†¦show more content†¦This emphasized the notion of a tragic greek drama as his sentence to death was a morally questionable in a democratic ‘free’ society . -Socrates had the option to choose, exile, or a fine for punishment he did not feel he was guilty at all, and would not accept any other punishment than freedom. Since exile and a fine were not considered freedom as he would be submitting to unjust laws. - Since the true judges of piety and pious were divine, he was no longer interested in the thoughts of the humans surrounding him and the freedom of the living, but the freedom of death. - Typically, a heroic entity would die in the most sacrificial manner to enhance his honour. Socrates was not interested in honour, but the quest for knowledge and freedom. Similar to Romeo and Juliet, an immortal romantic tragedy, the silent death rebelling against a practical cause can have a larger impact on an individuals message rather than Body Paragraph #3 Platos ability to illuminate specific fundamental conflict between philosophical nature and the historical political community of Athens. Socratic irony reflected on the true conflict between the democratic government and the adaptation to the evolution of science andShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of The Oedipus And Plato 1636 Words  | 7 PagesKAUFMANN’S OEDIPUS AND PLATO’S SOCRATES In Chapter Four of his book, Tragedy and Philosophy, Walter Kaufmann claims that Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex is one of the greatest tragedies ever written in part because it presents so vividly five characteristics of human life which make our existence so tragic. The purpose of this paper will be, first, to present Kaufmann’s view and, second, to apply these same characteristics to Plato’s dialogues in general and to the characters in Plato’s dialogues, particularlyRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Socrates As A Tragic Hero1373 Words  | 6 Pagesdocument known as Plato’s â€Å"Apology†. Upon analyzing the events encountered in the â€Å"Apology†and the trial of Socrates, it seen that Socrates was portrayed as a tragic hero due to the dramatic retelling of the Plato’s â€Å"Apology†. In this essay, it will feature evidence of the dramatic portrayal of Socrates’ death enhancing the tragedy that has lead to his demise. In the terms of a tragic hero, Aristotle developed the concept with the intention of distinguishing the characteristics of a tragic heroRead MoreThe Trial and Death of Socrates Essay1639 Words  | 7 PagesSocrates can be commended for many other desirable characteristics. Some of those can include being the first martyr to die for his philosophical beliefs and having the courage to challenge indoctrinated cultural norms is part of what made Socrates exceptional. His refusal to compromise his intellectual integrity in the face of a death sentence has set an example for the entire world to follow. It is these concepts in combination that contribute to the tragedy in the trail and death of Socrates. Although
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Benefits Of Retirement And Volunteering Essay - 1549 Words
Retirement may pose many questions that need to be answered. Throughout research, a question that I sought out to answer was if retirement and volunteering had a significant connection with each other; and if so, what people are the most willing to become active volunteers? This question formulated in my mind based on an interview that I had with my grandma, Elaine Wagner. She retired in 2007 from being a dietetics supervisor at a nursing home in a rural community for twenty-five years. In this interview, she explained to me that retirement was a big adjustment for her and keeping active through volunteering was what helped her get through it. From that statement, I began to wonder if there had been any scientific studies that showed a clear correlation between retirement and volunteering. Investigation Throughout the search to the answer to this particular question, it was easy to see that there are many personal factors that relate to an individual’s willingness to retire. Conscientiousness and Volunteering I found that there is a connection between how volunteering can affect the retirement process. The Journal of Research in Personality found through their study that many people’s reason for going to work is to feel as if they have accomplished something (Jackson Oltmanns 2014). There is a loss of their sense of achievement-striving tendencies when they retire, however, it may be replaced through volunteer efforts. The Journal refers to retirees that areShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of An Ageing Society Essay1283 Words  | 6 Pageshave to rise significantly from its current rate of 13% to over 18% in the United Kingdom. Fortunately, experts might have found another solution to solve this funding problem. If every worker had his own â€Å"pension fund†where he saves money for retirement himself, the dependence on the working youth could be reduced. 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Hermeneutics and Philosophers Free Essays
The word â€Å"hermeneutics†is derived from the Greek hermeneuo, which means, to interpret, to put into words, expressed in a language. Many times, it is synonymous with exegesis, explanation, and interpretation. In connection with the explanation of Scripture, these two words are equivalent to the eighteenth century, when the word â€Å"hermeneutics†assumes various shades of meaning according to the various schools and philosophical theories. We will write a custom essay sample on Hermeneutics and Philosophers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today we prefer to call â€Å"exegesis†to that of the biblical text analysis intended to discover what the author meant to his contemporaries, and â€Å"hermeneutics†to which the same text tells us today in a different context and in a comprehensible modern man. For Ricoeur, the â€Å"reflective philosophy†is part of â€Å"reflection†on itself, to establish the â€Å"I†of thought as first truth: â€Å"I think, therefore I am†. But Ricoeur thinks that â€Å"reflection is not intuition†of me because the â€Å"I think†is just an abstract truth and empty. The self can only be found in their objectification. Therefore, say that the reflection can only be understood as â€Å"the effort to apprehend the Self of Ego cogito in the mirror of its objects, their works and finally for their actions. †The lives lost and forgotten â€Å"I†himself to his works, which manifests his desire and effort to exist. The debate should not then go straight to the â€Å"I†but to their deeds and actions, which given its ambiguous nature, should be interpreted. Thus, philosophy becomes reflexive â€Å"hermeneutic philosophy†or interpretive. Lonergan and Aquinas were two philosophers that were in a same point. For example, both were students of theology. â€Å"Aquinas believes that humans are directed toward the transcendent God as the ultimate goal of their lives, and this transcendent goal is a beyond the power of human reason to grasp†(p. 47). Lonergan â€Å"understands the relationship between critical reason and faith as central to the practice of theology in the modern world â€Å" (p. 64). St. Thomas Aquinas see that theology does not seek an essence, but a living being who constantly challenges the man, instead of being presented as an object, is the â€Å"Unknown†is revealed in the vision-oriented faith. To address the issue thus appeals to the view that is taken into eternal bliss, in eschatology, which keeps the vital tension between theological discourse and praxis logos. The method according to Lonergan, not a set of rules to be followed strictly, but rather a framework to foster creativity and collaboration, by which all the operations that are necessary for the development of theology are susceptible to be printed, and giving mutually intertwined cumulative and progressive results. How to cite Hermeneutics and Philosophers, Papers
Indigenous Health Care the First Response to the Post of Brown
Question: Explain On Indigenous Health Care? Answer: Introducation Behrendt (2012) mentioned in his post that in 1770, the British claimed Australia under the Terra Mullin. The meaning of it is that Australia is the land, which belongs to no one. However, it needs to mention that in Australia indigenous people lived for approximately 40000 years. The British wanted to expand their empire and reduce the crowd in the prisons. To reduce the overcrowd, the British designed new settlement for the alleviation. The British claimed territory against the colonial powers. By this, they wanted to set up a British base in the worldwide south. However, the invasion consequence was a disease, which the British brought in the country. It was spread among the indigenous people. Due to this reason, the indigenous people brutally killed the British people, whereas the colonist offered the indigenous people foods with poison. This affected the indigenous a lot. As a result, sexual abuse and female exploitation occurred, which is the main reason of the sexual diseases. The sexual diseases transmitted to the aboriginal people. Moreover, disease like measles, influenza and small pox occurred in a wide range among the aboriginal people. Half of the indigenous people were killed by the influenza (Attwood Markus, 2007). The children were forcefully detached from their parents in between 1910-1970. The other name of this detachment is Stolen Generation. Kevin Rudd sent an apology letter to the aboriginal people on 13 February 2008. The detachment also affected the indigenous people. They were emotionally broke down. However, the indigenous people fought against the British people to get freedom and most of the indigenous people lost their lives in the Warfield. The epidemic diseases made the indigenous people weak. Harris (2013) mentioned that in 19th century, the main reason of the death of the aboriginal people was small pox. First fleet listed the inventory of goods. However, there is a confusion that if the disease small pox was brought in Austral ia intentionally or by co incidence. Second response to the post of Takacs It will help to demonstrate the understanding of the indigenous culture and their history. For the aboriginal people, the colonization provides severe pressure to be conventional to the Western policies. This may often result the loss of identity. The human dignity of the aboriginal people needs to be restored for Australia. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Commissioner Former reinforced the requirements to save the human dignity. Colonization of Australia has a strong impact on indigenous people, who were the residential of that land over 60000 years. They became the subject of the colonial and racist policies. The settlers enforced them to be the subject. To restore and maintain the dignity it is necessary to restore the aboriginal culture. Calma (2006) mentioned that before the colonization, aboriginal people emerged in the community life by all aspects. They played community-based role and set up themselves in the cultural norms. With the raising colonization, the roles of aboriginal people decreases. The aboriginal people faced various issues regarding political, social and cultural that needs to be diminished. Their dignity became abolished with time. Governor Arthur Philip did not show any respect to the ancient culture of Australia that is not a good practice. The aboriginal people were excluded from the society and they became powerless. Australian aboriginal culture is the most ancient culture of world. However, the aboriginal culture is one of the oldest cultures that need to be protected. Moreton-Robinson (2015) mentioned that Australia is trying to reserve the dignity of aboriginal people, which takes much time. The requirement of restoration of the aboriginal culture needs assurance to maintain the dignity. Australia should provide more effort to restore their ancient culture for the development of the country (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012). The government should provide self-determination to the aboriginal people so that they ca n get the territorial right of the political and legal organization. Response to the post of Hinton Behrendt (2012) mentioned that on 27 May 1967, the government conducted a referendum for determining the opinion of public on the aspects of constitution. It is seen that 90% of the Australian public vote for the changes in laws. Therefore, the government took the initiative to review and correct the constitution. After the referendum 1967, the condition of the Aboriginal people stated to develop as the law gave power to the indigenous people. They got the power to give opinion. Before the referendum, the condition of the aboriginal people was not stable and they did not have any power to give opinion. The amended laws helped the aboriginal people much. Moreover, the law provides power to the aboriginal people to participate in the national censuses. This allowed the commonwealth to make laws, which respected the indigenous people of Australia. Attwood and Markus (2007) stated that after that the government passed various laws in favor of the aboriginal people in Northern territory. The laws include Land Rights Act Healthcare. This referendum played a major role in the history of Australia. The referendum is the turning point for the aboriginal people of Australia. It is the symbol of rights, equality and justice towards the indigenous people. The referendum provided an opportunity to the aboriginal people to start over. Before the 1967 Referendum, Torres Strait islander and aboriginal people did not have any rights like other people of Australia. State controlled their lives and living style. They did not have the right to live according to their choice as well as they did not have rights on their own properties. State did biasness with them. For example, in a same job role the aboriginal people got less salary than others. Moreover, they did not have rights on their own children that are they were not allowed to get the local guardians for their children. It is unauthentic to detach a child from their parents. After the referendum, the aboriginal people got t he right to take the responsibility of the children (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2012). Therefore, the referendum played a major role in the development of the aboriginal people. References Attwood, B. Markus, A. (2007). The 1967 Referendum. Race, Power and the Australian Constitution.2nd ed. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2012),The 1967 Aborigines Referendum, Behrendt, L. (2012).Indigenous Australia for dummies. John Wiley Sons. Calma, T. (2006). From rhetoric to reconciliation-addressing the challenge of equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in criminal justice processes. Flinders Journal of law Reform, 9, 113. Harris, K. R. (2013).Welcome Table: A Mass of Spirituals. Conception, Composition, Dissemination, Reflection. Union Theological Seminary. Moreton-Robinson, A. (2015). White Possessive. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Retrieved from
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Speech the Graduates Didn’t Hear free essay sample
Neusner has presented support for his thesis with both logical and emotional elements, and the emotional elements help to persuade. Some of the author’s stronger arguments include, even thought students come to class late, are lazy, and are rude, the faculty stay calm and helps students to solve problems. For example, if students came late the faculty pretends like they do not care. Despite instructors failing to teach the students, the students are happy because, for them school is easy. Some students may argue or act rude toward the faculty, but the real world, after they are graduates, is not same as college. That will make students failures in the real world, because students will act with coworkers and bosses same ways they acted with faculty or professors. In colleges, students drop classes without failure, but outside of college failure will become marked on their record. After graduating with good grades maybe benefit in the future, but in the real world, good grades do not protect students from doing wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on The Speech the Graduates Didn’t Hear or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page College has spoiled students and has not prepared students for the real world that is why on graduation day is not the day that faculty should be proud. In contrast, the author has been less effective using proof/logic in other examples. For instance, it is not always true that he said students’ failure leaves with no record, and if a student forgets their appointment, the faculty will change their schedule. The author might be correct that sometimes college spoils students and makes students too comfortable, as it is logical to see examples of that in other parts of life. Brown University is trying to make being a student easy, for reasons of professors want students to be happy, and like the faculty. And it is true this will make students fail in the real world, but it still happens in many colleges. The faculty knows it was not right, but they still did, because being a strict professor will make students chose to learn with another professor that is easier. And when students have easy professors, it is hard to improve and it will make college a retreat. And this is why the faculty does not feel pride on commencement day. In my opinion, I think students will like easy professors and they will feel unappreciated with easy professor when they are in the real world that acts different from college. After I finished reading the article, I felt like the author was upset with the faculty system and is clearly emotional about this subject. This speech may affect students, but in my opinion this article should affect the professors more. This situation will not happen if college systems are stricter. It is true that students like easy professors, but if they have no choice because every professors are strict, they will prepare themselves more before coming to the class. This article feels like the author thinks this problem cannot be solved and that is why he is sarcastic with this tone. One thing students want is a good grade, because that shows they are responsible and that will make them be the first choice for employment. I have an example that is related to this article. My classmate is an A student all the time, and one day the strict professor said grades were not important. The important thing is that we can bring the knowledge to adapt in the work situation. After the class, my classmate told me it was not true, because if she does not have good grades it is hard to find a job. After the end of semester, she told me she got A- from that class, and she does not like this professor. Another class she got A, and she told me the professor was easy, however the teacher did not teach well, which made her have to study by herself. From my classmate example, I realized that being a good professor by being strict can make the students think the professor is bad, but being a lazy professor that gives good grades makes the students think the professor is good. The author makes a passionate argument by logically suggesting if colleges want to solve this problem, the leaders need to write the rules that make every professor go in the same direction. Unfortunately, Neusner offers no real solution plan for accomplishing this. For instance, no professor wants to be the problem; if all professors do the same thing, no one makes a difference. But, this is problem applies equally to being â€Å"too easy†and being â€Å"too strict†. That will help their faculty or college get stronger. Schools need to teach students to be respectful to professors and their institutions, if this succeeds, students will be successful in college and in the real world. In conclusion, I believe the author makes a good argument when supporting his thesis. Then students will fail in the real world, because colleges do not prepare them to handle with real live.
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