Thursday, September 12, 2019

Nutrition Discussions 6-9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Nutrition Discussions 6-9 - Assignment Example ery important information on any form of diagnosed and any undiagnosed abnormality in the growth, overweight, obesity, development and the many risk factors prone to its citizens. Environmental factors are put into consideration as to determine what are the citizens are exposed to. These surveys are necessary as they are conducted to determine the missing link in the welfare of the citizens. This includes quality check of life from the young to the old. This must be encouraged year after year and all the necessary information dispensed to the nation at large including the social media facilities at our countries disposal, (Nieman, National dietary and Nutrition Surveys). Energy is measured in values termed as kilocalories (kcals).This energy is obtained from food that human beings consume. A lot of research has been done to determine the caloric value in the various type of food human take. To determine the food caloric value, one needs to classify the content of food in terms of carbohydrate, fat and protein values. It has been noted that carbohydrates give 4kcal per given gram (g), proteins giving the same value of 4 kcal and fats having recorded the highest at 9 kcal, (Stanfield, Meeting Energy Needs in Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Self-Instructional Modules). The quest to determine energy needs is done on three major classifications that is activity, thermic effect on food, and basal metabolic rate. The basal metabolism is the energy required to drive the vital life procedures in a human being and is positive or negatively affected by; physiological status, body temperature, body composition, age and sex. Physical activity burns out calories while mental work does much lesser. Production of heat after having meals brings thermic effect; this largely depends on the type of food taken, (Stanfield, Meeting Energy Needs in Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Self-Instructional Modules). This energy intake needs to be balanced. It’s very important to maintain the energy

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